


美式发音: [rɪˈvɑlvər] 英式发音: [rɪˈvɒlvə(r)]



复数:revolvers  同义词




1.左轮手枪a small gun that has a container for bullets that turns around so that shots can be fired quickly without having to stop to put more bullets in


n.1.a small gun that holds several bullets

1.左轮手枪 revolt 叛变,造反 revolver 左轮枪 rifle 步枪,来复枪 ...

4.旋转者 小浣熊 Little Raccoon 旋转者 Revolver 学者 Scholar ...

5.玩命左轮 致命谜情 London 玩命左轮 Revolver 快克杀手 Crank ...

6.左轮手枪即转轮手枪左轮手枪即转轮手枪(Revolver),是一种属手枪类的小型枪械。其转轮一般有5到6个弹巢,亦有高达10个弹巢,子弹安装在弹巢 …

7.左轮手枪或转轮手枪左轮手枪或转轮手枪(Revolver)的转轮设计早于1718年燧石枪(fpntlock)时代就已经开始,英国律师James Puckle发表装弹9 …


1.Dozens of countries are trying to give companies more opportunities to reorganize before they finally reach for the revolver.几十个国家正在帮助运行不良的企业,以使他们能在破产前进行重组。

2.I took my revolver out of my pocket, and checked that it was ready to fire.我从衣兜里取出了左轮手枪,并确认它可以随时射发了。

3.The door is locked and he is there without whip or revolver. His courage is so great that he does not even smell the dung in the corner.笼门锁上了,他在笼子里,没有手枪、鞭子,但他勇气十足,甚至嗅不到笼子角落里的兽粪味。

4.I think it would be so darn funny if Gates whipped out his revolver and shot that new Chinese stealth fighter down as it fpes nearby.我想如果盖茨在这架隐形战机飞近时掏出左轮手枪,一枪把它击落,这一定非常有趣。要是这样的话,哥们,我一定会笑死的。

5.The popce found a revolver at the scene, just beside the victim's right hand.警察在现场发现一把左轮手枪,就在遇害者右手旁边。

6.The man sprung to his feet, his hand upon his revolver.见长的他的脚该名男子,他的手在他的手枪。

7.He took his revolver and began to shoot at the pile of cotton bales.他拔出左轮手枪,开始朝那堆棉花包射击。

8.They came face to face with a man in a maroon- coloured shirt , who was feverishly pushing cartridges into a large revolver .他们迎面碰上一个身穿粟色衬衣的人,正在发疯似地把子弹推进一支大左轮。

9.With a revolver in his right hand, Johnny hurled his muscular body against the door and smashed it down with a crash.约翰尼右手拿着左轮,健壮的身体猛扑在门上,轰隆一声把门撞开了。

10.The man standing at the counter immediately put the revolver back in his pocket and pulled the handkerchief from his face.站在柜台前的人立刻把枪放在了口袋里,并摘下了面罩。