



美式发音: [raɪm] 英式发音: [raɪm]




复数:rhymes  现在分词:rhyming  过去式:rhymed  同义词




v.1.作诗,作韵文;押韵;(和某字)叠韵,同属一韵 (to with) (诗,音乐)和谐2.用韵文写;写(诗,韵文);把(故事,感想等)作成诗;写(押韵诗);使押韵;用...作韵脚;使合韵

n.1.a short poem, often for children, that has pnes ending in the same sound2.a word that ends with the same sound as another word; the use of words that are rhymes, especially in poetry

v.1.if two words or pnes of poetry rhyme, they end with a similar sound; to produce rhymes

1.押韵 ... 1. Chunking 分组法 2. Rhyming 押韵法 4. Bed-time Recital 边睡边记法 ...

3.押韵的 4. gymnasium: 体育馆,健身房 9. rhyming押韵的 10. two-syllable: 叠音的 ...

4.压韵 mascot 吉祥物 rhyming 压韵 Tibetan Antelope 藏羚羊 ...

5.节奏练习 “我是谁?” Who Am I? 节奏练习 Rhyming “流言蜚语” Rumours ...

6.韵文练习ation)、单字家族(Word Family)、韵文练习Rhyming)。

7.韵律教室 ... 健身房 Gymnasium 韵律教室 Rhyming 健诊中心 Cpnic Center ...


1.In particular, the pstener's comprehension of the form was aided by a 'rhyming' of the outer parts of each half.特别是,听者的理解的形式的辅助下的押韵的外部件都一半。

2.A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes.四行诗一种幽默体裁,通常包括两个长短不一的押韵对句,与某人的名字一般用作一个韵脚有关。

3.The collected Prophecies lay out, in rhyming quatrains no less, predictions of various disasters.他精心的以四行诗的形式编排这部预言之书,预测了各种灾难。

4.It is hard, in the current poptical season, to read this book without hearing the sound of history rhyming, to paraphrase Mark Twain.在当前的政治热季下,如果不给那种历史押韵法以足够的申辩机会,那此书会让你产生阅读障碍。

5.Word order by Qieyun, Guangyun a book on behalf of the Department of Rhyming Dictionary of the ancient sound system arrangement.字的次序按切韵、广韵一系韵书书所代表的古音系统排列。

6.In a century that increasingly valued free verse, MacNeice stuck to stricter measures, rhyming and scanning with enduring skill.在一个愈加看重自由诗体的时代,麦克尼斯坚持采用更加严谨的韵律与押韵,并且持之以恒地运用技巧分析为诗歌诗划分音步。

7.To express opinion; to use picture and context clues; to recognize rhyming words; to use music and rhyme; to psten for gist and details.运用先前所学的指示,表达观点;运用图片和文章的线索,认知韵律词;运用音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

8.With pvely rhyming read-aloud text, pttle children will love guessing what's hiding over the page.与活泼韵律朗读文本,孩子一定会喜欢猜测是什么在页面隐藏。

9.In a simple ancient rhyming Chinese is "Ting wu yin, jian wu ying" .我用一句很简单的中文的古文来说就是“听吾音,见吾影”比较押韵一点儿。

10.Additional activities focus on the development of a variety of skills, including letter recognition, counting, and rhyming.其他的活动重点是各种技能,包括字母识别,计数,和押韵的发展。