




1.垃圾邮件发送者安全特性。垃圾邮件传播者(spammer)变得越来越狡猾,我们必须变得更有经验,千万不要仅仅依靠身份认证或者IP寻址来抵 …

4.发送垃圾邮件的主机 垃圾邮件资料夹 junk e-mail folder;Junk Mail folder;Junk E-Mail folder 滥发垃圾邮件者 spammer 联接筛选器 join filter ...

8.垃圾信发送者大部分的垃圾信发送者Spammer )都发现现今的邮件防护闸道,会使用云端 IP 信誉防御机制去阻挡 Botnet、Zombie Netwo…


1.Steel Talons has the most trouble standing up to a Scorpion Spammer for a few reasons.钢爪是对付蝎海时麻烦最多的阵营,有以下几点原因。

2.At this point, the apppcation is updated to allow the blogger, when deleting a comment, to flag a user or domain as a spammer.此时,应用程序被更新为允许博主在删除评论时将一个用户或域标记为“恶意用户”。

3.Almost any time you roll out a clever new Web 2. 0 feature, you might be opening a door for a spammer.无论何时,只要您想出一个很棒的新Web2.0特性,您也很有可能为垃圾信息散布者打开了方便之门。

4.There are also broader patterns across almost all spammer activities, and some anti-spam techniques try to take advantage of these patterns.垃圾信息散布者的行为模式有很多,所以如今的一些反垃圾信息技术都在试图利用这些模式。

5.If you can read them, you're probably not a piece of software run by a spammer.如果你能“读”出它们,那么你就很可能不是垃圾邮件发送者安装的软件。

6.These emails will allow users to immediately flag another user as a spammer and block any further messages from their account.这些邮件可以让用户立即将某个用户帐号标记为垃圾帐号,然后封锁该帐号发来的任何信息。

7.A careless spammer will just have the robot immediately send the POST, now that they have the required information.有了所需信息后,粗心的垃圾信息散布者常常会让机器人程序立即就发送POST。

8.Avoid becoming the office spammer.别做办公室垃圾邮件制造者。

9.You must pay attention to a few things; otherwise, you might become a unwilpng victim in SE's war against spammers.你必须注意几件事,否则,你会成为搜索引擎工程师同Spammer作斗争的牺牲品。

10.Why on earth would a spammer target a search engine on your blog?为什么一个spammer要以你的博客上的搜索引擎为目标?