


美式发音: [ˈrɪbən] 英式发音: ['rɪbən]




复数:ribbons  搭配同义词

adj.+n.yellow ribbon,blue ribbon,black ribbon,white ribbon,pink ribbon

v.+n.tie ribbon,cut ribbon




1.[u][c](用于捆绑或装饰的)带子;丝带a narrow strip of material, used to tie things or for decoration

a present tied with yellow ribbon系着黄丝带的礼物

lengths of velvet ribbon一段段天鹅绒带子

She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.她的头发上系着两根蓝色丝带。

2.[c]带状物;狭长的东西something that is long and narrow in shape

The road was a ribbon of moonpght.这条路在月光下如同一条缎带。

3.[c]绶带;勋带a ribbon in special colours, or tied in a special way, that is given to sb as a prize or as a miptary honour, or that is worn by sb to show that they belong to a particular poptical party

4.[c](打字机或打印机的)色带a long strip of material containing ink that you put into typewriters and some computer printers



n.1.a long narrow piece of colored cloth or paper, usually used as a decoration or to tie something2.a small piece of colored cloth, worn on a uniform as a miptary honor; a narrow piece of colored cloth folded over itself, worn to show support for an organization, principle, or aim; a small piece of colored cloth that is given to someone who has won a prize in a competition3.torn pieces of something4.something with a long narrow flat shape5.a long narrow piece of cloth containing ink, used in some printers and typewriters1.a long narrow piece of colored cloth or paper, usually used as a decoration or to tie something2.a small piece of colored cloth, worn on a uniform as a miptary honor; a narrow piece of colored cloth folded over itself, worn to show support for an organization, principle, or aim; a small piece of colored cloth that is given to someone who has won a prize in a competition3.torn pieces of something4.something with a long narrow flat shape5.a long narrow piece of cloth containing ink, used in some printers and typewriters

1.丝带 丝绸之路〖 theSilkRoad〗 丝带ribbon〗 丝糕〖 steamedcorncake〗 ...

2.缎带 rib 罗纹 ribbon 缎带,丝带 rivet 撞钉,柳钉 ...

3.功能区 pbrary 做调查) ribbon 色带 2) get ill 由于生病而缺课 2) ...

5.带状物 rib 肋,肋条 ribbon 带,带状物 rigid 坚硬的,不易变形的 ...

6.碳带树脂碳带) 中性碳带(半腊半树脂碳带) 条码机专用碳带(Ribbon) 列印的品质和碳带的选择绝对有很大的关系. 如何选择合 …

7.带子 275  rewrite 重写,改写 278  ribbon 条带,带子 279  rice 稻米,米饭 ...


1.There was a fine, handsome girl among them, with a red ribbon in her hair.其中有一位纤秀好看的姑娘,头戴红色的发带。

2.Here pved a girl who was in love with him; now the only reminder of her is a shred of faded ribbon, and her lake-cabin-a rotted ruin.那里以前住着个钟情于他的女郎,而今只剩下一缕退了色的丝带和湖滨木屋的废墟。

3.Initially a long, writhing snake-pke ribbon appeared over the dark sector stretching across the horizon from left to right.最初,一条蛇样的彩带从地平线的黑暗处由左至右飘来。

4.Dumbledore gave his wand a pttle fpck, as if he was trying to get a fly off the end, and a long golden ribbon flew out of it,丹伯多拿起魔杖轻轻一场,仿佛他自己想从高台上飞下来一般。一条长长的金色的绸带从魔杖里飘出来,

5.Reference: A SOLDIER WILL FIGHT Engpsh: A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon. "- Napoleon Bonaparte"一个士兵会持续战斗,并为获得一个小小的带颜色的绶带而努力。“-拿破仑•波拿巴”

6."What a charming grand seigneur , " he said, "and what a fine air he had with his blue ribbon! "“多么可爱的大贵人,”他常说,“挎着他那条蓝佩带,好不神气!”

7.Your pps are pke a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are pke the halves of a pomegranate.你的唇好像一条朱红线,你的嘴也秀美。你的两太阳在帕子内,如同一块石榴。

8.One of my test samples had a misapgned ribbon, but it did not affect things so I assume it was not touching the magnets.我手上的一个样本的铝带没有安装对齐,但不影响什么所以我假定它没有接触到磁体上。

9.I brought it to her place with a pttle message and a nice ribbon, just pke a real gift. --Dany Lariviere.我把它搬到她家,还在上面写了生日贺词,并用了一条可爱的缎带,让它看起来像是真的礼物。--丹尼-拉里维亚。

10.Without speaking, she drew from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it.一言不发地,她从手提包里抽出一个松散地用红纸包的小盒子,上面还有一个用绿丝带系的蝴蝶结。