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1.大米;稻米;稻short, narrow white or brown grain grown on wet land in hot countries as food; the plant that produces this grain

a grain of rice一粒大米

boiled/steamed/fried rice煮饭;蒸饭;炒饭

long-/short-grain rice长粒╱短粒稻米

brown rice(= without its outer covering removed)糙米

rice paddies(= rice fields)稻田



n.1.a food consisting of small white or brown grains that are eaten cooked; the plant that produces rice, often grown in fields called paddies or paddy fields

1.米饭 green tea 绿茶 rice 米;稻;米饭 soup 汤;羹 ...

2.大米 鸡肉 chicken 大米 rice 汤 soup ...

3.稻 green tea 绿茶 rice 米;;米饭 soup 汤;羹 ...

4.稻米 rewrite vt. 重写 rice n. 稻米;米饭 rich a. 富裕的,有钱的 ...

5.水稻 coal 煤 rice 水稻 coffee 咖啡 ...

6.莱斯莱斯分布的概率密度函数称为莱斯Rice)密度函数,函数为:莱斯分布常用参数K来描述,K定义为主信号的功率与多径分量 …


1.Once I moved into an old apartment. After pving there for a while, I found that there were rice activities during the past evenings.有一次我搬进了一套比较旧的公寓,住了一段时间发现:连续几个晚上有老鼠活动。

2.Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes infused with blueberry juice.参加夏令营的孩子们体验了一项古老的亚洲风俗,他们敲击着经过改良之后浸润着蓝莓汁的新型年糕。

3.Rice is often the main source of employment, income and nutrition in many poor, food insecure regions of the world.在世界上许多贫困和没有粮食安全的地区,稻米常常是主要的就业、收入和营养来源。

4.Everybody in the crowd pushed forward to see their King. A beggar also came forward with his bowl. There was lots of rice in it.人群一拥而上,希望一睹他们国王的样子。一个手持破碗的乞丐也涌了上来,碗里头还有不少米

5.He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head!他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!

6."Wo is a registered " and " Wo " is millet, millet, rice, sorghum crops pke the general term " landing " means that mature.“禾乃登”的“禾”指的是黍、稷、稻、粱类农作物的总称,“登”即成熟的意思。

7.Rice told reporters on her plane that settlement expansion does not build confidence and is an obstacle to peace.赖斯在飞机上对记者表示,扩大定居点无助于建立互信,是和平的障碍。

8.One of the rice fields at home to himself, I said, Mom, so I think you then.一个人在家的稻田里自言自语,我说妈,我那么那么想你。

9.Zhong, his wife and daughter sit down to a typical dinner of steamed fish, two types of greens, mushrooms, pork, rice and spced apples.钟和他的妻子及女儿坐下来,享用着一顿典型的晚餐:蒸鱼、两样蔬菜、蘑菇、猪肉、米饭和切成小片的苹果。

10.PCR analysis of the total DNA extracted from transgenic plants has shown that the target gene had been integrated into the rice genome.转基因植株总DNA的PCR分析初步表明,目的基因己整合到水稻的基因组中。