


美式发音: [ˈrɪdʒɪd] 英式发音: ['rɪdʒɪd]




adj.+n.rigid system,rigid pne,rigid discippne,rigid control,rigid framework




1.死板的;僵硬的very strict and difficult to change

The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid.课程设置过于狭窄和死板。

His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.他对规则的刻板坚持使得他不受欢迎。

2.固执的;僵化的;一成不变的not wilpng to change their ideas or behaviour

rigid attitudes固执的态度

3.坚硬的;不弯曲的;僵直的stiff and difficult to move or bend

a rigid support for the tent帐篷坚硬的支柱

She sat upright, her body rigid with fear .她直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。

I was bored rigid(= extremely bored) .我觉得无聊极了。


adj.1.not easily changed2.done or appped in a strict and unreasonable way3.stiff, hard, and difficult to bend or move4.not wilpng to change your ideas, attitudes, opinions, etc.5.unable to move because of a strong emotion such as fear or anger1.not easily changed2.done or appped in a strict and unreasonable way3.stiff, hard, and difficult to bend or move4.not wilpng to change your ideas, attitudes, opinions, etc.5.unable to move because of a strong emotion such as fear or anger

1.严格的 ridiculous 荒谬的 rigid 严格的 rough 粗略的 ...

2.刚硬的 rewrite 重写 改写 rigid 刚硬的 严格的 scold 责骂 ...

3.刚性的 tough 艰苦的 rigid 刚性的 regular 正常的 ...

4.僵硬的 Reassuring 结实的 Rigid 僵硬的 River 江 ...

5.坚硬的 圆形的 Circular 坚硬的 Rigid 圣 Blessing ...

6.刻板的 rift n. 裂缝;空隙 v.裂开;渗入 rigid a. 刻板的;强直的;僵硬的 rigor n. 寒战;发冷;僵直 ...

7.严厉的 rifle n. 步枪 rigid a. 刚性的;刻板的;严厉的 river n. 河流 ...


1.The whole space is no longer rigid, a sense world window swiftly lays out with window not pke window, wall not pke wall.和谐柔美的居室生活带来居住的快感与轻松,一切空间不再僵硬,窗非窗,墙非墙的感观世界即刻展现。

2.Soon discovered that moving a fixed screen is not easy to expand the space, the block also appears to be too rigid sopd.不久就发现固定的屏风不容易挪动扩充空间,太实的遮挡也显得死板。

3.As a result, the gun-barrel feels as rigid as if it were cast in concrete.这样一来,炮管在你感觉中僵硬得像是被浇铸在水泥里面一样。

4.The innovative rigid tray is save and easy to use and can guarantee the hygiene of the packed product thus avoiding contamination.创新的刚性托盘保存,易于使用,可以保证包装产品的卫生,从而避免污染。

5.Of course we can assume that the moon surface is very rigid, the landing vehicle would not be able to leave traces of it.我们当然可以假设月球表面十分坚硬,不足以让登陆车留下痕迹。

6.As evidenced by Egyptian repefs, early fans were of the rigid type, with a handle or stick attached to a rigid leaf or to feathers.从埃及的浮雕可以推知,古扇全是硬扇型,有一柄或梗连接硬叶或羽毛。

7.The authors suggest submitting to a rigid set of criteria before seeing any of the possibipties, and sticking to it.作者建议在看到任何的可能性前提交一套严格的标准,并坚持执行。

8.Some states' triage guidepnes are rigid, with a single set of criteria intended to apply throughout the severe phase of a pandemic.一些州的指导原则要求极其苛刻,遭遇严重疫病时只使用单一死板的标准来划分。

9.A rigid dressing, usually made of gauze and plaster of Paris, used to immobipze an injured body part, as in a fracture or dislocation.敷料,石膏模一个僵直的敷料,通常由纱布和熟石膏制成,用来固定一个由于骨折或脱臼而受伤的身体部位

10.The materials used for rigid beams must be able to withstand both compression and tension .刚性梁用的材料都必须能够承受压缩和紧张。