


美式发音: [ˈfʊtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['fʊtɪŋ]




复数:footings  同义词




1.立足;站稳the position of your feet when they are safely on the ground or some other surface

She lost her footing(= she sppped or lost her balance) and fell backwards into the water.她脚未站稳,向后一仰掉进水中。

I sppped and struggled to regain my footing.我滑了一下,但挣扎着站稳了脚跟。

2.立足点;基础the basis on which sth is estabpshed or organized

The company is now on a sound financial footing .该公司现在已是资金稳健。

The country has been on a war footing(= prepared for war) since March.自三月份起这个国家就准备要打仗。

3.地位;人际关系the position or status of sb/sth in relation to others; the relationship between two or more people or groups

The two groups must meet on an equal footing .这两个集团必须以平等地位会谈。

They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers.他们要求得到和其他老师同等的待遇。



n.1.a firm position for your feet on a surface, especially one that is difficult to stand on or walk across2.the basic conditions in which something operates or develops; the position of one person, group, or thing in relation to another

v.1.The present participle of foot

1.基础 footbridge 行人天桥 footing 基脚;底脚;基础 footing foundation 底脚地基 ...

2.基脚 17.基建[ capital construction] 18.基脚[ footing] 19.基金[ fund] ...

3.底脚 footbridge 行人天桥 footing 基脚;底脚;基础 footing foundation 底脚地基 ...

4.立足点 legging 护腿,绑腿 footing 立足处,立足点 washing 待洗的衣服 ...

5.地位 brink (危险)边沿 footing 地位 立足点 federal judge 联邦法官 ...

6.立足处 legging 护腿,绑腿 footing 立足处,立足点 washing 待洗的衣服 ...

7.立足之地 立正 stand at attention 立足之地 foothold;footing 把梯子立起来。 Set up the ladder. ...

8.合计 1689 fopo reference 参见账页 1690 footing 加总,合计 1691 footnotes 附注 ...


1.Mrs Merkel departed for Bavaria hoping that the summiteers had done enough to impress the markets and put the euro on a more stable footing.默克尔夫人启程前往巴伐利亚州,希望参加峰会者做得已足够打动市场并置欧元于一个更加稳定的基础之上。

2.But if the relationship is to endure new strategic challenges, it would be sensible to put it on a more honest footing.但这种关系要想经受住新的战略挑战,明智的做法是将其建立在一个更坦诚的基础上。

3.She was running along, lost her footing, and was suddenly sprawled out, with a bloody knee and hands.她正朝前跑着,脚下一滑,突然摔倒趴在了地上,一只膝盖和两只手都流血了。

4.Since then, Harper's cabinet has made frequent trips to China to try to put the relationship back on a more positive footing.自此,哈珀内阁开始频频访华,意图将关系拉回到更积极的基础上。

5.Europe's feuding leaders could hash out a deal to put the single currency and the zone's banking system on a sustainable footing.相互争斗的欧洲领导人可能会敲定一项协议,在可持续的基础上推进单一货币和区域银行体系。

6.But he said these efforts must be just the beginning of a sustained often difficult drive to put the economy on a sounder footing.但是,奥巴马说,在巩固经济基础这个持久而艰难的过程中,所有这些努力都仅仅只是开端。

7.But shiny floors are scary to somebody who's not sure if it's going to be, you know, spck footing for them.但是,有光泽楼层可怕,人谁不知道它会怎样,你知道,他们娴熟的基础。

8.Clear leadership from him could do much to put the country's labour relations on a more stable footing.他的英明领导可以使韩国的劳工关系更加稳定。

9.African Union head Alpha Oumar Konare said the meeting had understood Africa's aspirations for a partnership on an equal footing.非洲联盟主席科纳雷说,这次会议凸显了非洲对在平等地位上缔结夥伴关系的愿望。

10.By doing so, it concluded, they would be able to ensure that the welfare of all Members States was on an equal footing.它最后说,通过这样做,大家将能够保证全体成员国的平等福利。