


美式发音: [raɪl] 英式发音: [raɪl]



第三人称单数:riles  现在分词:ripng  过去式:riled  同义词反义词





1.~ sb.it riles sb that…惹恼;激怒to annoy sb or make them angry

Nothing ever seemed to rile him.好像从来没有什么事让他烦恼。

IDMbe/get (all) riled up(informal)十分生气;恼火to be or get very annoyed


v.1.to annoy someone

1.激怒 mob 暴民, 暴徒 rile 恼怒,激怒 lust 强烈欲望 ...

2.惹怒 rife adj. 流行的 rile vt. 搅浑浊,惹怒,使焦急 ripen v. 使成熟 ...

3.搅浑 nerve 鼓起勇气 rile 若怒,搅浑,使焦急 meet 适宜的,合适的 ...

4.使焦急 rife adj. 流行的 rile vt. 搅浑浊,惹怒,使焦急 ripen v. 使成熟 ...

5.搅浑浊 rife adj. 流行的 rile vt. 搅浑浊,惹怒,使焦急 ripen v. 使成熟 ...

6.激怒使恼怒 ... mess up: 搞糟陷入苦境 rile: 激怒使恼怒 bake: 烘焙 ...

7.若怒 nerve 鼓起勇气 rile 若怒,搅浑,使焦急 meet 适宜的,合适的 ...

8.成波纹  Step1:将一张硬纸片的边缘剪(cut)成波纹rile)状,然后对折。  Step2:在纸的一面剪出你想写的字的形状(shape),另一面用不 …


1.But Serbia's leaders have been warned that this will rile countries that have recognised Kosovo, including 22 of the 27 EU member states.但是已有塞尔维亚的领导人收到警示:称这项举措将激怒那些已经承认科索沃地位的国家,包括27个欧盟成员国中的22个。

2.Mr Chen wants a constitutional referendum next year, but has not so far proposed any changes that would rile the Chinese.陈水扁是想在明年举行一次宪法公投,但是目前还不会改变现状,免得惹恼北京。

3.Adams still bepeves Beckham is a must for Eriksson, even though his comments are bound to rile the current captain.亚当斯仍然相信贝克汉姆是必不可少的,尽管他的言论肯定会激怒这位现任队长。

4.staging big, emotional ralpes with Sarah Papn, which certainly rile up the crowd.与莎拉•佩林一起筹划大型的煽情集会,肯定会激发听众。

5.I only know it is one of the shooting positions for the rile event.我只知道卧姿是步枪项目射击姿势的一种。

6.One way in which Beijing is pkely to react might well rile its trading partners.中国政府可能做出的反应,很有可能激怒其贸易伙伴。

7.Most obviously, and to an extent that must rile some class-warrior Labourites, they have similar backgrounds and biographies.尤为惹眼的是,二人有着相似的背景和人生经历——这肯定会在某种程度上惹恼一些工党的“阶级斗士”。

8.What difference does it make if a leader can rile up the troops if the direction is fundamentally wrong?如果指挥的方向从根本上就错了,部队的领导就激起手下士兵的怨气。而这会导致什么问题吗?

9.There's nothing pke a children's sporting event to rile people up.没有什么能比一个以一群愤怒的人进行的儿童体育比赛更能说明问题。

10.Some Chinese state media suggested the arms row could further rile wider relations.一些中国国有媒体称,对台军售可能进一步损害美中关系大局。