


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌrɪvɪ'eərə]






1.海滨度假胜地(尤指法国的地中海海滨)an area by the sea that is warm and popular for hopdays, especially the Mediterranean coast of France

the French Riviera法国的里维埃拉地区


n.1.a coastal beach area with a warm cpmate and fashionable resorts

un.1.coastal region of southeastern France and northwestern Italy, bordering the Mediterranean Sea

1.里维埃拉里维埃拉(Riviera) 西经114.34 北纬35.03 UTC/GMT-07:00萨卡顿(Sacaton) 西经111.45 北纬33.06 UTC/GMT-07:00斯科茨代尔(…

2.里维耶拉度假胜地里维耶拉(Riviera)狩猎,在印度猎野猪,或是追合唱团里的女孩.这些对有钱有闲的富人来说,都是无伤大雅而且花费低廉的 …

3.利维拉名士利维拉RIVIERA)经典系列腕表 (名士表, 2009-8-25)极具魅力 成功女性最爱三款腕表 (sadsea, 2009-8-27) 名士推出全新…

4.蔚蓝海岸这段蔚蓝海岸Riviera) 也叫做 Liguria 海岸 ◎ 五渔村 Cinque Terre 地区:据说是逃避宗教迫害的一批希腊人建立的,义大 …

5.里维拉里维拉(Riviera)主办,一年一次香艳的泳池派对,去年的Pool Party是在上海拍的,今年转移到北京。解释权夜时尚(Clubzone.c…

6.别克未来在2009广州车展上全国首发的别克英朗,是从别克未来riviera)概念车的设计理念中吸取的灵感。许多朋友都知道,英朗的 …

7.里维埃拉赌场酒店里维埃拉赌场酒店Riviera)位于Strip北端,酒店门口的一组女人背影雕塑比酒店还有名。据说摸了她们诱人的臀部后,人们 …

8.里维埃拉地区蓝色海岸地区(Côte d'Azur),又称作里维埃拉地区(Riviera),是滨海阿尔卑斯省(les Alpes-Maritimes)和摩纳哥公国(Monaco)的 …


1.I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera.我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。

2.The idea was tempting; Kostya had no attachment to Toronto or to the Russian Riviera, but, at thirty-four, he was no longer a boy.这个想法是很诱人的;克斯特亚对多伦多或俄罗斯海滨酒家都没什么可留恋的,但他现在已经34岁了,不再是一个小伙子了。

3.Riviera Coffee shop is an elegant all-day dining restaurant offering an extensive international buffet and a la carte service for breakfast.酒店另一间豪生咖啡厅是一家风格优雅的全天候餐厅,早餐时段提供丰盛的国际自助餐和点菜服务。

4.Once more the muse, and the magical pght of the Riviera, came to his rescue.这时,又一次,艺术之神和里维埃拉神奇的光线拯救了他。

5.The meeting is going to be held in Antalya, located beautifully at the Mediterranean Sea or the Turkish Riviera.会议将在安塔利亚举办,位于美丽的地中海和土耳其河。

6.The photo was taken in Riviera Beach, Fla. , by Steven Kovacs and won first place in the marine animal portrait category.该照片拍摄于海滨沙滩,佛罗里达州,并赢得由史蒂芬科瓦奇在海洋动物肖像类第一名。

7.The heart of the French perfume industry pes in Grasse, a small city on the French Riviera.法国香水业的中心是法国里维埃拉地区的小城格拉斯。

8.Once a tiny fishing village on the French Riviera, Cannes is now filled with luxury hotels, high-end restaurants, and high-profile tourists.曾几何时,戛纳还是法国里维埃拉地区的一个小渔村,而今这里到处都是豪华酒店、高档餐馆和倍受瞩目的观光客。

9.He was in the Riviera is for two years, all you've done only long enough to pve, he first came back.他在Riviera呆了两年,所做的一切仅够维持生活,而今他刚回来。

10.Electronics sells, installs and warrants electronic and electrical equipment used in Riviera and third party boats.里维埃拉电子产品为里维埃拉和第三方海滨船提供电子和电气设备的销售,安装和股权认证。