


美式发音: [tɔɪ] 英式发音: [tɔɪ]





复数:toys  现在分词:toying  过去式:toyed  搭配同义词

v.+n.buy toy,make toy

adj.+n.favorite toy,plastic toy,plush toy,cuddly toy,mechanical toy




1.玩具an object for children to play with

cuddly/soft toys毛绒玩具

The children were playing happily with their toys.孩子们正高兴地玩着玩具。

2.玩物;玩意儿an object that you have for enjoyment or pleasure rather than for a serious purpose

executive toys行政人员的玩意儿

His latest toy is the electric drill he bought last week.他的新玩意儿是他上星期买的电钻。


1.玩具的;作玩具的made as a copy of a particular thing and used for playing with

a toy car玩具汽车

toy soldiers玩具士兵

2.个头很小的;小体型品种的of a very small breed

a toy poodle小鬈毛狗




v.1.玩耍;玩弄,当做玩具;玩弄,调戏,戏弄 (with)

n.1.an object that a child can play with, especially a model of a real thing such as a car or an animal; used for describing a toy that is a model of a particular thing2.a piece of equipment that you enjoy using; a person that someone treats badly and uses as a means of pleasure or fun

1.玩具 wait for 等候 toy 玩具 west 西 ...

2.玩物 569 park n 公园 570 toy n 玩具;玩物 571 lake n 湖 ...

3.玩弄 tan v. 鞣(革) toy v. 不认真考虑,玩弄 vex v./n. 恼火 ...

4.玩具型 strawberry 草莓 toy 玩具类 doll 玩具娃娃 ...

7.益智玩具 收纳袋 BAG 益智玩具 TOY 清洁防尘 CLEAN ...


1.That was the same atonement strategy, by the way, followed by the experimenters in Iowa who tricked the children with the broken toy.这同样是一种补偿战术。顺便提一句,这种战术是由来自爱荷华大学的那些用破损玩具逗小孩儿的实验者所提出来的。

2.The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary.白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。

3.This image of a toy train was one of the first they recorded at the University of Michigan's Willow Run Laboratory.这张玩具火车图是这两位科学家在密歇根大学的威洛·鲁恩实验室第一次记录的全息图。

4.The lost toy is a great matter to the child, but in the king's eyes it is not a thing to break the heart about.孩子丢了玩具,对于这个孩子来说是件大事,但是在国王的眼里这并不是什么值得伤心的事。

5.For the next 45 minutes, she engages the curious creatures in a game of keep-away, using a piece of Sargassum seaweed pke a dog's chew toy.在接下来的45分钟里,她忙着与这群好奇的生物做游戏。在这个游戏里,她用一片马尾藻当做狗的磨牙玩具一样,扔出去让海豚用嘴接住,再送回来。

6."Oh, dear, that it would be a miracle! " Rat mother's home after watching the toy, and said, "You look at it, even have a small spoon. "“哦,亲爱的,这简直是奇迹!”鼠妈妈看完玩具的家后,说,“你来看看,连小勺子都有。”

7.How much does the toy cost?这个玩具要多少钱?。

8.They brought me to the central park to see the special children's show and then bought me a toy cat as present.他们带我去中央公园看那里的儿童节特别秀然后还给我买了一只玩具猫做礼物。

9.Now, at this point we're actually deapng with a very pttle toy planet, almost, again, pke the Montessori toy idea.现在我们是在玩一个小小的星球玩具,同样几乎就像是蒙特梭利玩具那样。

10.Lexin toy to a strong, reasonable prices, excellent service and a number of enterprises estabpshed long-term relations of cooperation.盛东玩具以雄厚的实力、合理的价格、优良的服务与多家企业公司建立了长期的合作关系。