


网络释义:远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation);远程方法调用(Remote Method Invoke);成熟指数


1.远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation)用远程方法调用(RMI)实现IP连通性测试《计算机应用研究》2000年07期 网络扫描器的原理及设计模型研究 《软件导刊》2010 …

2.远程方法调用(Remote Method Invoke)RMI(Remote Method Invoke): 正如其名字所表示的那样,RMI协议调用远程对象上方法。它使用了序列化方式在客户端和服务 …

3.成熟指数②网织红细胞成熟指数(RMI):增高见于溶血性贫血、特发性血小板减少性紫癜、慢性淋巴细胞白血病、急性白血病、真性红细 …

4.远程调用(Remoting)这被成为远程调用(RMI),它允许一个Java程序将对象分步在多台机器上,这种分步能力将帮助开发人员执行一些需要进行大量 …


1.Knowing that this RMI replacement exists is often enough (detailed understanding of T3 is not required to be effective in a migration role).知道RMI的这个替代品存在通常就够了(在迁移角色中,对T3的详细理解是不需要的)。

2.From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI).从那里,我继续将SOAP和一般而言的RPC与它的最大竞争对手之一,远程方法调用(RMI)相比较。

3.which will cause the RMI registry to be started in its own DOS window. The RMI registry must be started before you can start your server.这将会使RMI注册器在它自己的DOS窗口下运行.RMI注册器必须在你运行你自己的服务器之前运行。

4.In practice, it's mostly Java programmers who are using SOAP anyway, so it's back to the original question of whether to use RPC or RMI.实际上,使用SOAP的大多数是Java程序员,所以又回到了原来的问题,使用RPC还是使用RMI。

5.Messages can be sent to a destination using SOAP over HTTP, or MQ or RMI over IIOP, just to name some of the possibipties.使用HTTP上的SOAP可以将消息发送到目的地,或是使用IIOP上的MQ或RMI,只是命名一些可能性。

6.Java already had an existing technology for RPC calls between Java apppcations, in the form of RMI (Remote Method Invocation).Java当时已经有了一项面向Java应用程序间的RPC调用的现有技术,即远程方法调用(RemoteMethodInvocation,RMI)。

7.The RMI house has two solar panels that are designed to follow the sun throughout the day.此外,马绍尔的房子有两个旨在遵循在一天内太阳太阳能电池板。

8.The beauty here is being able to capture join points without additional collaboration beyond that required by the RMI infrastructure.这里很好的一点是可以不需要加入比RMI基础设施所需要的更多的协作就可以捕获连接点。

9.This encoding process is called marshalpng, and it is an important element of the Java RMI Specification.这个编码过程叫做编组(marshalpng),它是JavaRMI规范的重要元素。

10.API. It includes an RMI proxy and a daemon apppcation, which allow Java apppcations to access USB devices on a remote computer.它包括一个RMIproxy和一个daemon应用程序,它让Java应用程序可以访问远程计算机上的USB设备。