


美式发音: [tum] 英式发音: [tuːm]




复数:tombs  同义词

n.burial chamber,catacomb,ossuary,grave,burial place



1.坟墓;冢a large grave, especially one built of stone above or below the ground



n.1.a grave where a dead person is buried, especially one consisting of a large stone structure

1.坟墓 (21) 妇人[ woman] (23) 坟,墓[ grave;tomb] (25) 指月经[ menses] ...

2.墓穴 同本义〖 pit;hole〗 墓穴;墓坑〖 tomb〗 八卦之一,代表水〖 water〗 ...

3.冢 tomato 西红柿 tomb 坟, tomorrow 明天 ...

4.陵墓 undersea: 海底的 tomb: 陵墓 ultimate: 终极的 ...

5.墓碑 214 蛋黄 yolk 215 墓碑,坟墓 tomb 216 辞去职务 resign ...

6.墓地 forest: 森林 tomb墓地 mine: 矿山 ...


1.In the tomb's far corner, Galaeron found a knotted rope leading down into a freshly opened hole.在墓穴的远端角落,加拉隆发现一段打结的绳索向下延伸至一个新打的洞。

2.Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see.又有我们的几个人往坟墓那里去,所遇见的正如妇女们所说的,只是没有看见他。

3.When the doors of his tomb close forever, his mummy won't be moved from its original resting place in the Valley of the Kings.当这座陵墓的门再次永远的关上,他将不会从离开休憩千年的地方,仍然沉睡在法老谷里。

4.I walked around the tomb, spreading petals to every corner of it. I felt as if I could see Mahatma Gandhi's unyielding image and clear eyes.我绕陵墓一周,将花瓣撒在每一个地方,仿佛看到了圣雄不屈的身躯和清澈的眼神。

5.A smile comes to my face when I read these words: "Make the tomb as secure as you know how. "当我读到「尽你们所能把守妥当」这句话时,我不禁冷笑起来。

6.Not the sun, but only the morning-star shone upon His opening tomb.没有太阳,只有晨星发光照在那挪开的坟墓上。

7.The entombment in London attracted over one milpon people within a week to pay their respects at the unknown soldier's tomb.伦敦冢在吸引无名战士墓超过百万人在一周内支付他们的敬意。

8.The fortress also contains a magnificent palace used for the King's visit to his father's tomb near the city.这个要塞也是拥有用于国王拜见其逝世的父亲的华丽宫殿。

9.The names of the mummies have not been determined, but the tomb is thought to be that of a middle-class official.这些木乃伊的身份目前还不清楚,但据信,这座古墓属于古埃及当时的一位中级官员。

10.There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.忽然地大震动。因为有主的使者,从天上下来,把石头辊开,坐在上面。