




1.流浪 漂泊: drift 流浪roam about 浪子: a prodigal/loafer/wastrel ...

2.流荡 (10) 追求[ seek] (12) 流荡[ roam about] (13) 随,跟随[ follow] ...

3.漫游 roadworthy 适于行路的 roam about 漫游 roam 漫游 ...


1.Unity: Only some firm association can have been through repeatedly the test, only has the unity only then not to be able to roam about!团结:只有一个坚固的团体才能历经考验,只有团结才不会流浪!

2.In the summer I often leave home in the morning, and roam about fields and lanes all day, or even escape FOR days or weeks together.在夏季,我往往清早出门,终日在田野和小路上遨游,甚至流连几天或几个星期。

3.He's going to roam about the country upon his retirement.他退休后打算漫游全国。

4.Now it looks pke consumers, too, will soon be able to roam about while constantly connected to their own personal clouds.如今看来,很快消费者也能四处漫游,随时连接自己的个人云数据。

5.We needed to regain the team shape, be organised and demand that those players who roam about sometimes get back into position.我们需要重整队形,要让那些乱跑的队员回到自己的位置上。

6.He was unbearable there shame to run away, started everywhere to roam about in the street corner.他不堪忍受那里的羞辱而逃了出来,开始在街头到处流浪。

7.I'll take this opportunity to roam about the streets, to rub shoulders with the local people, so to speak.我要借这机会到街上转转,也可说去和当地群众交往一下。

8.If Google rovers roam about and discover such evidence elsewhere, NASA can always act surprised.如果古戈漫步在月球上并在别处发现了此类证据,NASA总是故作惊讶。

9.pke well - fed horses they roam about , each one neighing after his neighbor ' s wife.8他们像喂饱的马,到处乱跑,各向邻舍的妻子发嘶声。

10.This world good width, lets lonely good slow, in does wilderness wolf, it roam about for who.这世界好宽,让孤独好慢,荒野上的狼,它为谁流浪。