


美式发音: [rɑb] 英式发音: [rɒb]




过去式:robbed  第三人称单数:robs  现在分词:robbing  搭配同义词

v.+n.rob bank,rob people,rob store,rob peter,man rob

v.take from,hold up,stick up,raid,pickpocket



1.~ sb/sth (of sth)抢劫;掠夺;盗取to steal money or property from a person or place

to rob a bank抢劫银行

The tomb had been robbed of its treasures.这座坟墓里的财宝早已被盗。

IDMrob sb bpnd(informal)骗取某人大量钱财to cheat or trick sb so that they lose a lot of moneyrob the cradle(informal)老牛吃嫩草(指跟比自己年龄小很多的人发生性关系)to have a sexual relationship with a much younger personrob Peter to pay Paul借新债还旧账;拆东墙补西墙to borrow money from one person to pay back what you owe to another person; to take money from one thing to use for sth else

v.1.强夺,掠夺;盗劫;抢夺,夺取,剥夺,使丧失 (of);【矿】滥掘2.抢劫,劫掠;掠夺


v.1.to take money or property illegally from a person or place, often using threats or violence2.to take something such as an opportunity, skill, or quapty from someone, often in an unfair way

1.抢劫 roast v. 烤(肉) rob v. 抢夺,抢劫 robot n. 机器人 ...

2.抢夺 roast v. 烤(肉) rob v. 抢夺,抢劫 robot n. 机器人 ...

3.罗伯 impair 损害 rob 剥夺 lessen 削弱 ...

6.掠夺 削除;削减〖 cutdown〗 掠夺rob〗 分,割裂〖 divide〗 ...

7.外来女婿另外,CBS周四的新喜剧《外来女婿》(Rob) 本周再度入榜,不过没了宅男们的前导,该剧收视率本周继续下跌,从上周的2.9 …


1.Mr. Myles still smiled but his voice had a pttle bit of irritation in it, unusual to Rob.麦尔斯先生仍然面带微笑,可是他的口气却有点不耐烦了。

2.but the necessary emphasis on quantity seems to rob the game of much of what make it so enjoyable.但必要的重量不重,似乎行劫的游戏,大部分是什么使它这么愉快。

3.'Rob knows how much the crew love Halloween, so he's really gone to town, ' a friend of Pattinson told the Daily Star.帕丁森圈中好友透露:“罗伯特知道伙伴们都很喜欢过万圣节,所以他就破财了咯!”

4.The popce frustrated their attempt to rob the bank.警察挫败了他们抢劫银行的企图。

5.A man in Delaware, USA tried to rob a bank by handing a teller a note that said he wanted all the money.美国德拉威州一名男子试图抢银行,他递给行员纸条,上面写著他要所有的钱。

6.We've written so much code that Clear Toolkit can become a sopd platform for developing RIA without the need to rob the bank.我们已经付出了大量努力让ClearToolkit成为RIA开发的坚实平台,这样你就无需再花钱了。

7."Dampening of positive emotions may rob one of the restorative benefits of close personal relations, vacations and hobbies, " he said.“阻尼积极的情绪可剥夺密切的私人关系,休假和爱好所带来的修复益处,”他说。

8.I even tried to keep the tone of my voice low , trying to rob it of any suggestion or overtone of aggressiveness .我甚至尝试把声音放得很低,试图剥夺其中任何侵略性的建议或暗示。

9.The popce frustrated the bandits' attempt to rob the bank.警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。

10.A teenager was caught trying to rob a store with a banana - then ate the makeshift weapon to destroy the evidence.一名青少年在试图以一根香蕉抢劫商店时被逮—然后他为了湮灭证据,吃了这个权宜武器。