





4.止痛药布洛芬国食品和药物管理局局长玛格丽特·汉伯格9日批评强生公司秘密召回止痛药美林(Motrin),称此举背离强生公司对公共卫生负 …

7.布洛芬制剂该事件涉及的产品包括儿童用泰勒(Tylenol)液、成人泰勒、碳酸钙制剂(Mylanta)、布洛芬制剂Motrin)、Pepcid AC及 …

8.布洛芬镇痛药[召回门] 强生被曝拟通过“隐形召回”布洛芬镇痛药Motrin)掩盖问题2010年6月13日 34 views 企业门 1 条评论 据路透社掌握 …


1.Motrin's ads, which many mothers considered to be condescending, quickly changed how consumers described the brand.很多妈妈认为美林的广告给人一种居高临下的感觉,很快让很多人改变了对该公司的看法。

2.When a number of mothers on Twitter found it offensive, Motrin responded quickly, removed the ad, and posted an apology.当微博上许多做妈妈的顾客表示自己感到受到冒犯时,布洛芬反应很快,撤掉了广告,并作出道歉。

3.Then on July 8, the company recalled 21 lots of Benadryl, Motrin and about nearly 20 varieties of Tylenol for the same reason.当时,七月八日,公司召回21批次苯那君,布洛芬和将近20种的泰诺,因为同样的理由。

4.Most people who take Motrin have no idea what Twitter is.大多数人采取警惕但谁也不知道是什么原因。

5.Shortly after an apology was posted, Motrin consumers stopped caring about the marketing mistake.在公开道歉后,布洛芬的顾客很快就不再关心这个营销上的错误了。

6.Parents may also opt to give their child Tylenol or Motrin to reduce pain and fever.家长也可以选择给孩子泰诺或布洛芬,以减少疼痛和发烧。

7.Only after the F. D. A. inspection did McNeil executives recall milpons of bottles of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other pills.直到食品药品管理局调查后,麦克尼尔公司才召回了数百万瓶的泰诺、苯那君和其他药品。

8.The CEO defended the 2008 Motrin recall, saying the FDA was aware of the move.这位CEO极力维护2008年的布洛芬回购事件,并且表示当时FDA对此事是完全知情的。

9.Observation on effect of Motrin suspension combined with medical pyretolysis sticking to be appped for children with high fever美林混悬液与医用退热贴联合用于小儿高热的疗效观察