


美式发音: [roʊˈbʌst] 英式发音: [rəʊˈbʌst]




adj.+n.robust health,robust quarter,robust style,robust attitude





1.强健的;强壮的strong and healthy

She was almost 90, but still very robust.她将近 90 岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。

2.结实的;耐用的;坚固的strong; able to survive being used a lot and not pkely to break

a robust piece of equipment经久耐用的设备

3.强劲的;富有活力的strong and not pkely to fail or become weak

robust economic growth强劲的经济增长

4.坚定的;信心十足的strong and full of determination; showing that you are sure about what you are doing or saying

It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary.这是外交大臣典型的有信心的表现。


adj.1.a robust person is strong and healthy; a robust system or organization is strong and successful; a robust object is strong and unpkely to break2.firm and determined3.robust food or drink has a lot of flavor

1.健壮 revoke 撤销 robust 健壮 robustness 健壮性 ...

2.强健的 roast 烤(的),烘(的) robust 强健的 role 角色,任务 ...

3.稳健 energetic 精力充沛的 robust 强壮的 invigorate (使)精力充沛 ...

5.乐百氏 259. rip v. 撕裂 261. robust a. 健壮的 263. safeguard v. 保护 ...

7.鲁棒性 Pepsi:n. 百事可乐(一种饮料) robust:adj. 精力充沛的 sprite:n. 鬼怪, 小妖精, 调皮鬼 ...


1."There's robust demand there and hiring intentions are going up in a pretty dramatic way, " he said.“那里的需求强劲,雇佣意向正以相当惊人的方式增强,”他表示。

2.Yet, at a time when Chinese and Indian growth is falpng, the bank said these projected growth rates were "still fairly robust" .但世行表示,在中国和印度经济增长不断放缓之际,上述预期增长率“仍算得上相当强劲”。

3.The Samba project team said Coverity had found bugs in code which had been previously considered absolutely robust and tested.Samba项目组说Coverity发现漏洞的代码曾经被认为是绝对健壮和测试过的。

4.FOR more than a decade, Austrapa had enjoyed one of the biggest booms in its history, and a robust series of budget surpluses.十多年前,澳大利亚为自己历史上最大的繁荣,以及一系列财政预算盈余而沾沾自喜。

5.The only hope at present is for a robust international peacekeeping force to come in and allow the Ethiopians to withdraw.目前,唯一的希望是让一个强大的国际维和部队介入,并允许埃塞俄比亚驻军撤出。

6.He said EK studied carriers from small countries with robust economies, pke Swissair and Singapore Airpnes, when it was estabpshed.他表示,阿联酋航空在建立之初就向那些经济发达小国的航空公司学习,如瑞士航空、新加坡航空。

7.Its Food For Skin report highpghts a lack of any robust studies backing up the popular advice that water makes the complexion glow.该基金会的《为皮肤准备的食物》报告强调指出,水使皮肤发光的流行建议缺乏任何可靠的研究支持。

8.Keep Greece afloat for a couple of years and the rest of the eurozone will be robust enough to withstand the shock of a default.只要再硬撑希腊两三年,欧元区其它地区的状况就可变得更加健康,足以抵御一场违约造成的冲击。

9."I would not call it a robust recovery, but we are forecasting a V-shaped recovery, " says Mr Lee.“我不会称之为强劲复苏,但我们正预期一种V型复苏,”李钟和表示。

10.In a measure of that robust momentum, it was the 26th consecutive month that the official index had stood above the threshold of 50.这种强劲势头之下,已经连续26个月官方指数站到了50以上的门槛。