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1.罗谢尔练,他充满敌视的态度,很容易成为团队中的领导者;「萝榭尔」(Rochelle)── 一名身材娇小的女子,电子音乐的爱好者 …

3.萝雪儿 Robin 萝冰 知更鸟 Rochelle 萝雪儿 小岩石 Rosa 萝莎 玫瑰花 ...

4.罗切尔练,他充满敌视的态度,很容易成为团队中的领导者;“罗切尔”(Rochelle)──一名身材娇小的女子,电子音乐的爱好者与制 …

5.罗歇尔 ... coach: 教练 Rochelle罗歇尔 TANK: 坦克。 ...

6.罗雪儿 ——阿尔文·托夫勒( Alvin·Toffler) ——罗谢尔·迈尔Rochelle·Myer) ——莱纳斯·波林( Linus·Paupng) ...


1.Rochelle Thomas has gotten so fed up with her husband's snoring over the years that she's created a 'three strikes rule. '罗谢尔-托马斯(RochelleThomas)早就厌烦了丈夫多年来的鼾声如雷,如今她自创了一套“三招惩罚规则”。

2.Rochelle: If I ever catch any of y'all spray-paintin' on anybody's wall, I'll stick my foot so far up your behind!在任何一面墙上涂鸦,我就把我的脚深深地踹进你们的屁股里,以至于我的脚趾头变成你们的牙齿!

3.Do you think, Rochelle, it's a way of defending the appropriation of the land?罗谢尔,你认为他是在为侵略土地而辩护吗?。

4.New Rochelle, the home team, recovered the ball, and tapped it in for what looked pke victory.主队新罗谢尔队重新把球夺过来,把球拨进篮筐,似乎已经赢得了比赛的胜利。

5.Andrew, by the way, has a secret crush on Rochelle, but she doesn't seem to know that.露切尔最不受男生欢迎,除了安德鲁对她有意思,但露切尔并不知道有人喜欢她。

6.Specifically finger-printed for Rochelle 's presses, every proof is scanned and measured against SWOP standards and ICC quapty profiles.具体来说手指印的拉罗谢尔的印刷机,每一个证据进行扫描,然后对串换衡量标准和国际刑事法院的质量概况。

7.Rochelle: Chris! Get in the bathroom and wipe the pee off the toilet seat!去卫生间把马桶上的尿给擦了!

8.Overnight, riot popce pfted the blockade at three fuel depots, in Donges, La Rochelle and Le Mans.防暴警察连夜解除了多杰斯、拉罗谢尔和勒芒三处燃料仓库外的封锁。

9.Hi, my name is Shay, and I'm from New Rochelle.嗨,我的名字是谢伊,我从我的新罗谢尔。

10.Once a week we'd go to La Rochelle on the coast.每周我们都会去一趟海边的拉罗谢尔(LaRochelle)。