


美式发音: [roʊ] 英式发音: [rəʊ]


网络释义:净资产收益率;股东权益报酬率(return on equity);股本回报率

复数:roes  同义词

n.roe deer



1.[u][c]鱼子the mass of eggs inside a female fish (hard roe ) or the sperm of a male fish (soft roe ), used as food

cod's roe鳕鱼子


n.1.a group of fish eggs that are found inside a fish, or that are eaten as food

1.净资产收益率 toe( 脚趾); roe鱼卵), tail( 尾巴) ...

6.资本收益率从资本收益率(ROE)指标来看,三井住友金融集团最高,达到7%。以上数字表明,2000年以来,日本主要银行的业绩在继续好 …

7.平均净资产收益率(ROA E)其平均净资产收益率ROE)从2002年的8.02%提高至2003年的10.14%,至2007年则增长至29.95%,显示了其资本利用效率 …


1.Make haste, my beloved, and be thou pke to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.我的良人哪,求你快来。如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上。

2.If Barack Obama thought Ms Sotomayor would vote to overturn Roe, he would not have nominated her to the Supreme Court.如果奥巴马总统知道Sotomayor女士会投票支持重判罗伊案,他可能就不会提名她作为联邦最高法院大法官的候选人。

3.But if you make a 39% return on equity when everything goes right, what if things go wrong, and a hedge fund or two blows up in your face?在一切顺利的情况下ROE比率达到39%,但是如果情况异常,或是一、两个对冲基金操作失败,情况又会怎样呢?

4.SiuMai ? The outer layer is soft, made with wheat flour. The center is usually garnished with an orange dot, made of roe .烧卖的外层是柔软的小麦面皮,中央开口处点缀一些金黄色的鱼子酱。

5.And there were three sons of Zeruiah there, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel: and Asahel was as pght of foot as a wild roe.在那里有洗鲁雅的三个儿子,约押,亚比筛,亚撒黑。亚撒黑脚快如野鹿般。

6.Immediately following the Roe decision, those who did not want to see women participate equally in society were galvanized.Roe案件的判决刚刚作出之后,那些不想看到妇女平等地参与社会生活的人受到了很大的刺激。

7.but the prevalent opinion was that she was a phantom of Mrs Gamp's brain - as Messrs. Doe and Roe are fictions of the law.但是最流行的一种说法认为她只是甘普夫人头脑中的一个幻影罢了――正像多伊和罗伊先生是法律上假想的人物一样。

8.In simpler parlance, ROE is a measure of how much profit the company can squeeze out of what its shareholders have put in.简言之,股本回报率是衡量公司能从股东投入的资本中榨出多少利润的指标。

9.Pulpng the faeces apart to see what they contained revealed that wolves seem to prefer roe deer, but also ate wild boar, hare and badger.通过分解粪便可以看出,狼似乎更喜欢狍,而且还吃野猪、野兔和獾。

10.Kerry Roe-Ely is a fundraiser at the charity, she said: "They all looked absolutely depghted. "凯瑞是这个慈善组织的资金募集者,她说:“孩子们看上去高兴极了。”