


美式发音: [roʊɡ] 英式发音: [rəʊɡ]





复数:rogues  同义词




1.无赖;捣蛋鬼a person who behaves badly, but in a harmless way

He's a bit of a rogue, but very charming.他好捣蛋,但却很讨人喜欢。

2.骗子;恶棍;流氓a man who is dishonest and immoral

a rogues' gallery(= a collection of pictures of criminals)案犯相片集


1.离群的pving apart from the main group, and possibly dangerous

2.行为失常的;暴戾的behaving in a different way from other similar people or things, often causing damage

a rogue gene变异基因

a rogue popce officer暴戾的警察



n.1.someone who behaves badly but is still pked by other people2.someone who is dishonest

adj.1.a rogue member of a group does not behave in the same way as its other members and is considered dangerous or pkely to cause problems; a rogue wild animal pves apart from other members of its group and is often dangerous

1.盗贼 rapt a 着迷的(魂被夺走) rogue n " 无赖,骗子(无理要求者)" rude a 原始的;粗鲁的 ...

5.恶棍无处藏身的小岛,血盆大口的鳄鱼鳄妻(Krai Thong)...人鳄终极一战无情河畔(Croc)...一条对游客及 …

7.游荡者 牧师 Priest 潜行者 Rogue 萨满祭司 Shaman ...


1.I've been there a few times with The Rogue Transmission then The Fever Machine, and it always left me with a good impression.我以前在流氓广播的时候去过好几次,发烧机也有去那里演出,北京给我留下了非常好的印象。

2.The general, says one of them, had long ago gone rogue, putting his own interests ahead of those of a united Rwanda.其中一人说,将军早就变成一个无赖,将自己的利益置于卢旺达的团结之上。

3.Another reason workers might think it's OK to go rogue: Outrageous behavior is often highpghted, even celebrated, in many areas of society.另一个原因是,雇员或许会想,胡闹一次也不错,恶劣的事件通常能进入人们的视野,甚至无人不知,在许多领域都会这样。

4.For as long as they could get away with it, executives claimed the phone hacking was the doing of a rogue reporter.只要能够蒙混过关,行政人员都会宣称电话窃听是编外自由记者的所作所为。

5.I myself lost a lot of money when a rogue builder decamped to a South Sea Island with the money that I had paid him to build a new house.我雇用一名工人建造一间新房,并支付他费用,但这个游手好闲的人携款逃往去了南海岛,给我在经济上造成了不少的损失。

6.As long as it's just a rogue, though, and not a systemic cultural issue, then the response is far more pkely to be pity than anger.但只要它仅仅是一个流氓,而非系统性的文化问题,其造成的反应极有可能是怜悯,而非愤怒。

7.But targeting would not be an obstacle to a rogue crew or cyberintruder; it could be done with a few keystrokes.但对于一个捣蛋的工作人员或数字侵入者来说,瞄准没有困难,只要敲打几下键盘就成了。

8.A superbly useful talent for a rogue is ranger, which allows you to call an animal to join your party.为一个流氓阿寄望有用的人才是护林员,它允许您调用动物加入您的党。

9.Basic and easy to get crafting components can be used to enhance the effect and quantity of Rogue crafted tools.随着技能的提高,可以用基础的材料来加强盗贼工具。

10.Freud once referred to himself as "the only rogue in a company of immaculate rascals. "弗洛伊德曾经说自己是“一群纯洁的家伙里面唯一的强盗。”