


网络释义:远程过程调用(RPC over HTTP);阴离子交换树脂;罗门哈斯(Rohm Haas)


1.远程过程调用(RPC over HTTP)可以试试使用RPC Over HTTP看看,但是国外访问的话,无论VPN还是ROHRPC Over HTTP),访问方法并不是最重要的…

2.阴离子交换树脂羟型阴离子交换树脂ROH),则图中离 子交换柱中分别装入的离子交换树脂(填 代表式):A柱是 _____;B柱是 _____。

3.罗门哈斯(Rohm Haas)  此前陶氏化学和罗门哈斯(ROH)在另一份声明中曾经表示,合并交易将在1月27日之后完成。罗门哈斯表示目前正在考虑“各种替 …

4.皇家歌剧院(Royal Opera House)皇家歌剧院ROH)在1997-2000年期间经历了一次全面的革新。其目标是造就一个更具亲和力的剧院,不仅在其物理结构和 …

5.卢  ②韩国人:金(Kim),朴(Park),崔(Choi),李(Lee),(Roh)   ③越南人:阮(Nguyen),黎(Le),陈(Tran),吴(Ngo),范(Pham) …


1.Roh killed himself a day before his wife, Kwon Yang- sook , was expected to be summoned for questioning for a second time.卢武铉的妻子被传唤要求第二天去接受第二次调查,他在当天结束了自己的生命。

2.Japan and South Korea were "in lock step" , he said after meeting Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's president, for a summit meeting in Seoul.在首尔与韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)举行峰会后,安倍晋三表示,日本和韩国“步调一致”。

3.Mr Roh, a son of the soil who had taught himself well enough to get through South Korea's ferocious bar exams, was thought to be different.卢武铉作为泥土的儿子,通过刻苦自修通过了韩国竞争极其残酷的司法考试,人们觉得他是不一样的。

4.Mr Roh's efforts while in office to redistribute wealth were reversed by his successor, Lee Myung-bak, a former boss of the Hyundai Group.卢在其执政时进行的重新分配财富的努力,被其继任者、现代集团前老板李明博推翻了。

5.Roh's supporters accuse the Lee administration of pushing Roh to his death through a vengeful and unfounded corruption investigation.卢武铉支持者认为,李明博政府在调查贪污案上对卢穷追猛打,导致他自寻短见。

6.Roh Moo-hyun and his wife stepped forward to extend cordial greetings to the guests.卢武铉和夫人迎上前去,向他们致以亲切问候。

7.Mr Roh, 62, was killed in a fall from a mountain near his home. His spokesman said he had left a brief suicide note.卢武铉今年62岁,从其家附近的一座山上坠落身亡。其发言人说他曾经留下了一份简短的自杀声明。

8.Even the late Roh Moo-hyun, a former president who floated the idea of a joint economic bloc with the North, took a cautious approach.就连提出与朝鲜建立“共同经济区”的韩国已故前总统卢武铉,当年在这个问题上也是小心翼翼的。

9.North Korea's number-two leader, Kim Yong Nam, later hosted a dinner for Mr. Roh, but Kim Jong Il did not attend.北韩第二号人物金永南晚些时候为卢武铉主持了欢迎晚宴,但是金正日没有出席。

10.His sunshine popcy was bold and was continued by his successor, Roh Moo-hyun.他推行的“阳光政策”相当大胆,并得到了继任者卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)的继续贯彻。