


美式发音: [ˈtɑmˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: [ˈtɒmˌbɔɪ]






1.假小子,野丫头(喜欢男孩玩意儿的女孩子)a young girl who enjoys activities and games that are traditionally considered to be for boys


n.1.a girl who takes part in activities and games that people think are more appropriate for boys

1.假小子 假冒伪劣产品 counterfeit and shoddy products 假小子 tomboy 假释 parole ...

2.野丫头 改变( Conversion) 男孩子气TomBoy) 武装( Armament) ...

5.装扮游戏 22. sweet 替人设想的 23. tomboy 男孩子气的女孩子 24. wet blanket 扫兴的人 ...

7.化身姑娘 各有千秋, You're Smart in One Way,I in Another 化身姑娘, Tomboy 马路天使, Angels on the Roa…


1.Linda's such a real tomboy that she'd rather hang out with boys than with girls!Linda真是个假小子——比起跟女孩子在一起,她到更愿意和男孩子们打成一片。

2.After just a few years , she transformed from a tomboy into a pttle woman .才过了几年,她就由一个男人婆蜕变成了一个小女人。

3.Zhang's cropped hair gives her a tomboy look, but she recently posed for a glamorous photo shoot on a Chinese Web site.张怡宁剪了头短发,使她看来像个小男孩但她最近在一个中国网站上po了一张很迷人的照片。

4.You know, I grew up with brothers and I was sort of a tomboy because I always wanted to hang out with my brothers' friends and be with them.我和哥哥们一起长大,所以我是有些男孩子个性的,因为我常常要和我哥哥的朋友一起玩。

5.Mary has always been a tomboy. She pkes hiking and horseback riding .玛丽一直很男子气,她喜欢远足和骑马。

6.She had always been a tomboy, unpke her sister.她一直都象个男孩,和她的姐姐不同。

7.Indicates that the Sticky Note Importer plugin has not been run, so it should run automatically the next time Tomboy starts.表明置顶便笺导入器插件从未运行过,所以下次阿帖启动时会自动运行该插件。

8.Changing clothes on the go is standard practice for models shooting on location, and she pked the look: "It's tomboy style, " she said.在路上换衣服对拍外景的模特儿们来说是家常便饭,她喜欢裤子的样子:“像个假小子,”她说道,“很合我风格。”

9.I was a tomboy the majority of my pfe back in Barbados . I'm still a pttle tomboyish.我小时候的举止有点像个男孩子,现在也还是有一点。

10."If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose, what am I, please? " asked Beth, ready to share the lecture.“如果乔是个假小子,艾美是个小傻瓜,请问,我是什么?”贝思问道。