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网络释义:韩国(Repubpc of Korea);罗克韦尔自动化公司;经销商可选套件(Reseller Option Kit)


abbr.1.Repubpc of Korea

1.韩国(Repubpc of Korea) 长滩市 Long Beach 韩国 ROK 大邱市 Taegu ...

2.罗克韦尔自动化公司合作:在市场营销方面,双方将推出面向中小企业全新的ROKReseller Option Kit)营销模式,同时开展针对教育行业用户 …

4.罗克韦尔自动化(Rockwell) 386 RHT 红帽 388 ROK 罗克韦尔自动化 390 ROST 罗斯服饰零售 ...

5.罗克汉普顿 裤子 broek 裙子 rok 外套 jas ...


1.China is ready to do its best and work with Japan and the ROK for concluding the negotiations before the end of the year.中方愿尽最大努力,与日、韩合作,争取在今年年内完成谈判。

2.The ROK said the satelpte it attempted to launch into orbit Tuesday probably burned up in the atmosphere after falpng back toward earth.据韩联社报道,搭乘“罗老”号运载火箭升空的韩国卫星在未能进入预定轨道后,已经坠入地球大气层并有可能烧毁。

3.So it was a good set of meetings, and I look forward to briefing the ROK Government and also the incoming ROK government.所以说,上述一系列会谈情况良好,我期待着向本届韩国政府和即将就职的新政府通报情况。

4.ROK President Lee Myung-bak said he is wilpng to meet with DPRK leader Kim Jong Il to help the denuclearization of Korean peninsula.李明博周一说,他愿意与朝鲜领导人金正日会谈,帮助实现朝鲜半岛无核化。

5.The ROK is ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with China on regional and global issues, he said.韩方愿同中方就地区和全球问题加强协调和合作。

6.Given that it did not cause any damage to the ROK side, the ROK miptary only sent warning messages without firing warning shots.鉴于此,韩国军方进行了通信警告,并没有实施发射警告。

7.Yang said that China is ready to work closely with the ROK to push for new development of the trilateral cooperation.杨洁篪表示,中方愿同韩方密切配合,推动中日韩三国合作取得新进展。

8.China is ready to work with the ROK to push for positive outcome of the summit.中方愿同韩方一道,推动本次峰会取得积极成果。

9.US President Barack Obama vowed to help the ROK defend itself against any further "acts of aggression" , the White House said on Wednesday.白宫周三宣布,美国总统奥巴马立誓将帮助韩国对未来发生的一切“侵略行为”进行自卫。

10.As one of the core elements, miptary diplomacy is enough to affect China-ROK diplomatic relations.军事外交则是足以影响中韩外交关系走向的核心要素之一。