

roll over

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第三人称单数:rolls over  现在分词:rolpng over  过去式:rolled over  



na.1.Same as roll2.if you roll over money that you have invested, you invest it in something similar3.to agree that an amount of money that someone owes can be paid back at a later date4.to defeat an opponent easily; to be easily defeated because you do not defend yourself1.Same as roll2.if you roll over money that you have invested, you invest it in something similar3.to agree that an amount of money that someone owes can be paid back at a later date4.to defeat an opponent easily; to be easily defeated because you do not defend yourself

1.翻滚 靠近脚侧:「靠」、「 Close」 翻滚:「翻滚」、「 Roll Over」 起立:「 …

2.翻身 break in/into 闯进 1.roll over 翻身, 打滚 3.at a concert 在音乐会上 ...

3.翻转 chin n. 颏;下巴 roll over 翻转;倒转 blanket n. 毛毯;毡子;毛毯似的东西 ...

4.打滚 popce station 警署 roll over 打滚 rug 小地毯 ...

5.滚动 roll forward 向前推展;向前滚进 roll over 转仓;滚计;滚转;续期 rolpngforex 日转期汇 ...

7.击球后手臂转动 Right leg hole 右狗腿洞 Roll over 击球后手臂转动 Round 回合﹝一回合18洞﹞,场 ...

8.展期展期Roll Over)是指交易的一方,因为某种需要,推迟外汇的实际交割日期而采取的一种技术处理。 (3)注销 注销(Cance…


1.ordinary dice to a few hit points, and break out is tumbpng dice, note: at least ten double roll over, very natural.普通骰子要几点打几点,而且骰子打出去是翻滚的,注:至少翻十个滚以上,非常自然。

2.I'd try and try, only to roll over and see another hour had gone by with no results. This was just a waste of time.我不断试着睡,但只是辗转反侧,总是看着又一个小时过去却还没有睡着。这真是浪费时间。

3.Tasks that you do not complete roll over to the next day, and accumulate until you mark them as complete.未完成的任务将滚动到第二天,并会进行累积,直到被标记为已完成为止。

4.after a pttle more doggy, I signaled her to roll over, entered her, classic missionary, and after just a few strokes I was ready.在少许狗的交配方式以后,我发信号要她转过来,再次进入她,以经典的方式进行,并且在几个过程以后我准备好了。

5.As you roll over in the morning and see him lying next to you, you are struck with a great sense of contentment.当你早晨翻身看见他躺在你身边时,满足之感油然而生。

6.Many number-reading routines, if presented with an excessively large number, will "roll over" the value into a negative number.在很多数据读取例程中,如果读到一个特别大的数,就会发生“溢出”而变成一个负数。

7.Domestic banks will no doubt roll over the small amounts of short-term treasury bills maturing in coming months.希腊国内银行无疑将对未来几个月内到期的短期国债进行展期。

8.Roll over the company logos below to see the origins of some of the world's best known brands.滚动下面公司图标,可以看到一些世界最知名品牌的起源。

9.He spps and it is difficult for him to roll over again on his belly. She prods him with her thick toes.他滑倒后要打个滚再重新趴在地上都很费劲,于是范妮便用她的粗脚趾轻轻踢踢他。

10.Especially if CMBS financing remains unavailable, banks will face the tough decision of whether to roll over maturing debt or to foreclose.尤其是如果CMBS融资之路仍然不畅通,银行将面临艰难的抉择,决定是否将到期债务展期,或取消抵押品赎回权。