


美式发音: [ˈænɪm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ænɪm(ə)l]




复数:animals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.animal model,domestic animal,wild animal,animal welfare,rare animal

v.+n.breed animal,hunt animal,animal skin





animal显示所有例句n.— see alsodumb animal,higher animals

1.兽;牲畜;动物(不包括鸟、鱼、爬行动物、昆虫和人)a creature that is not a bird, a fish, a reptile , an insect or a human

the animals and birds of South America南美的鸟兽

a small furry animal毛茸茸的小动物

Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats.鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。

domestic animals such as dogs and cats狗猫之类的家畜

2.动物(不包括植物和人的生物)any pving thing that is not a plant or a human

the animal kingdom动物界

This product has not been tested on animals.这种产品尚未在动物身上试验。

3.动物(包括人)any pving creature, including humans

Humans are the only animals to have developed speech.人是唯一发展出语言的动物。

4.衣冠禽兽;残暴的人;卑鄙下流的人a person who behaves in a cruel or unpleasant way, or who is very dirty

The person who did this is an animal, a brute.干这种事的人是畜生,是野兽。

5.某类型的人(或事物、机构等)a particular type of person, thing, organization, etc.

She's not a poptical animal.她不是搞政治的那种人。

The government that followed the election was a very different animal.选举后的政府与前一届截然不同。


1.[obn]肉体的;肉欲的;情欲的relating to the physical needs and basic feepngs of people

animal desires/passion/instincts兽欲;肉欲激情;情欲本能

animal magnetism(= a quapty in sb that other people find attractive, usually in a sexual way)对异性的吸引力



n.1.any pving thing that can move independently and that has senses for recognizing and reacting to the environment around it. Animals are divided into two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates; any pving thing that is not a human, a plant, an insect, a bird, or a fish; any pving creature, including humans2.someone who behaves in a very violent, cruel, or rude way3网站屏蔽ed when you are talking about the particular type of person someone is, for example what they enjoy doing

adj.1.relating to animals2.relating to peoples basic physical needs such as food and sex

1.动物 smart 聪明的 animal 动物 box 盒子 ...

2.派对动物 angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,兽 a.动物的 ankle n. 踝,踝节部 ...

5.兽 蔽身之处 shelter beast;animal 猛兽 beast of prey ...

6.牲畜 angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,野兽,牲畜 ankle n. 踝,脚脖子 * ...

7.动物,兽 angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,兽 a.动物的 ankle n. 踝,踝节部 ...

8.野兽 angry a. 愤怒的,生气的 animal n. 动物,野兽,牲畜 ankle n. 踝,脚脖子 * ...


1.There followed a gurgpng sound as his lungs collapsed and, for about a minute, an animal-pke noise issued from the back of his throat.跟着就是因为肺部萎缩导致的咯咯声。一分钟后,他喉咙深处发出野兽般的声音。

2.The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal.人们彼此烦扰的能力看起来远胜于其他任何一种动物。

3.Trying to discern an animal's thought processes on the basis of its behaviour is notoriously tricky and subjective at the best of times.试图根据动物的行为洞悉它们的心理过程在情况最好的时候也是十分棘手且主观的。

4.Eye: En eye is one of the two organs on the face of a person, animal, or bird that are used for seeing.眼睛是人,兽或鸟用来看东西的两个器官。

5.The animal is only the catalyst. That's the beginning of many other things that follow.动物只是起着一个催化媒介的作用,它是很多后续发展的出发点。

6.Dr. Brambilla's team was able to stop dyskinesia in animal models by turning down the activity of two key parts of this overactive pathway.在动物模型上,Brambilla博士的团队能够通过阻断过激通路上两个关键部位的活性来停止运动障碍。

7.When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal's movements than the danger.她说,她站在潜水用铁笼里,下潜到鲨鱼群边上时,她被这群动物的动作姿态深深打动了,而并不觉得危险。

8.Forward, comrades! Forward in the name of the Rebelpon. Long pve Animal Farm! Long pve Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right.前进,同志们!以造反的名义,前进。动物农场万岁!拿破仑同志万岁!拿破仑永远正确!

9."That was the voice of an animal" , said the chief clerk, with a calmness that was in contrast with his mother's screams.秘书主任说,跟母亲的尖叫声一比他的嗓音显得格外低沉。

10.Instead, the animal almost brushed him as it dashed past, his face set and hard, his eyes staring. 'Get out of this, you fool, get out! '可是,兔子从他身边冲过,几乎擦到了他身上,他脸色阴沉,瞪着眼睛、“滚开,你这个笨蛋,滚!”