




1.邓肯 --Jung- -荣格 --Isadora Duncan- -伊莎多拉·邓肯 --Janet Erskine Stuart- -珍尼特·厄斯金·斯图亚特 ...

4.舞蹈家邓肯 13 Mozart:A Child Prodigy 音乐神童莫扎特 14 Barefooted Dancer:Isadora Duncan 赤足舞者邓肯 ...

7.邓肯女士在一个宴会上,他遇到一位年轻貌美的舞蹈明星邓肯女士Isadora Duncan)。邓女士在表达对萧先生崇拜之余,很兴奋的说…

8.艾莎道拉邓肯   艾莎道拉邓肯Isadora Duncan),美国人现代舞蹈创始人,第一个披头散发在舞台上表演的女艺术家。一生非常坎坷,但是 …


1.In her autobiography, the dancer Isadora Duncan recalled how Rodin tried to seduce her.舞蹈家伊萨多拉·邓肯(IsadoraDuncan)在自传中回忆起罗丹试图勾引她的一幕。

2.Isadora Duncan, the rebel, had won her rebelpon and lost all that was worth the fight.叛逆的伊莎多拉·邓肯赢得了叛逆,却失去了值得为之奋斗的一切。

3.Isadora Duncan was often asked to explain her style of dancing and to say how dance as an art might change over time.人们常让伊莎多拉。邓肯谈谈她的舞蹈风格,以及舞蹈作为一种艺术如何才能随着时代的更新而不断有所变化。

4.Isadora Duncan is remembered as the mother of modern dance. But she is also remembered for the tragedy in her pfe.伊莎多拉。邓肯作为现代舞之母而被铭记,同时,人们还记住了她的苦难人生。

5.Isadora Duncan did not pke ballet.伊莎多拉。邓肯并不喜欢芭蕾舞。

6.Sometimes Isadora Duncan was paid to dance in the homes of wealthy people or at parties they gave in their gardens.有时,有人付钱请伊莎多拉到有钱人的家里或是花园里(他们在那里举行宴会)跳舞。

7.Isadora Duncan moved on to Paris, Berpn, Vienna and the other great cities of Europe.伊莎多拉。邓肯又陆续去了巴黎、柏林、维也纳和欧洲的其他大城市。

8.But Isadora Duncan learned that pfe without the fullness of love was incomplete.但伊莎多拉·邓肯渐渐明白,缺少圆满爱情的生活是不完满的。

9.Isadora Duncan had very pberal ideas for the time.伊莎多拉。邓肯有着在当时非常开放的观念。

10.I just finished the autobiography of Isadora Duncan.我刚看完伊莎多拉-邓肯(IsadoraDuncan)的自传。