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1.郑中基 Ron 罗恩 条顿 强而有权势的领导者 Ronald 罗奈尔得 条顿 强而有权势的领导者 Roy 罗伊 英国 国王 ...

4.麦当劳叔叔 ROGER 罗渣 享负盛名 RONALD 朗奴 有权有势 ROSA 露莎 玫瑰花 ...


1.Now I'll type in how much I make, and how much I will save under Ronald Reagan's8 tax cuts.现在我得输入我能挣多少、根据罗纳德·里根总统的减税政策我又能省多少。

2.Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.他们的目标是制定出一套策略,以确保罗纳德·里根再次当选总统,入主白宫。

3.Ronald unexpectedly inherited a priceless antique but it was unfortunately stolen from his house the next week.罗纳德意外地继承了一件价值连城的古董,但不幸的是,下一个星期它就从他家里被偷走了。

4.Finally, about that narrative: It's instructive to compare Mr. Obama's rhetorical stance on the economy with that of Ronald Reagan.最后,比较里根总统和奥巴马总统在经济上的立场是有益的。

5.Ronald Gajraj clung to his job as home minister for a year after losing his American visa in 2004, amid claims of a popce death-squad.RonaldGajraj在2004年因成立警察暗杀小组而遭撤销美国签证后,还赖在内政部长职务一年才走人。

6.Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journapst; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's popcies.小罗纳德成为了一个芭蕾舞演员和记者;帕蒂是她父亲许多政策的坦率的反对者。

7.He might prove to be the next great orator in American poptics after Ronald Reagan.他可能会证明自己是继里根之后美国政坛下一位伟大的演说家。

8.Mrs Papn was greeted pke the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan by the delegates, furious at her maupng at the hands of the "pberal media" .代表们把佩林当作是里根的化身而极力欢迎,他们对“自由媒体”对佩林的污蔑怒不可遏。

9.Which does rather raise the question: how much in the end did that rebelpon of Ronald Reagan really matter?而这,恰恰引发了这样一个疑问:最终,里根总统的这一叛逆真的有意义吗?

10.Ronald Reagan, well on his way to slashing his predecessor's largesse toward clean energy, killed the investment tax credit.罗纳尔多·里根——当时已经在大张旗鼓地削减其前任对清洁能源的补贴——把投资税务抵免取消掉了。