



美式发音: [ru] 英式发音: [ruː]




n.1.a kangaroo



4.鲁斯家 Harrold 苏由 Roos 公孙恭 Caudell 王沈 ...

7.含铁血黄素 ... 本-周氏蛋白 B-J Pro 含铁血黄素 ROOS 尿糖定量 0.1-0.9 g/24h ...


1.It is possible to interpret Mr Roos's presence in Hiroshima in this vein, as an attempt to look history more squarely in the eye.在这种背景下,鲁斯现身广岛可以被理解为美国更坦率地看待历史的一种尝试。

2.The U. S. ambassador in Tokyo, John Roos, recently remarked that Japan's inclusion in the TPP would be a "game changer. "美国驻日大使约翰·鲁斯最近评论道,日本加入TPP将会成为“规则改变者”。

3.Mr. Hatoyama said that he told Mr. Roos that the alpance "should be further strengthened in a constructive, future-oriented manner. "鸠山表示,他告诉罗斯日美同盟“应该在建设性的,面向未来的基础上进行加强”。

4."These allegations, given their seriousness, will continue to command my full personal attention, " Mr. Roos said in a statement.“鉴于这些指控的严重性,我本人将继续高度关注此事,”鲁斯在一份声明中称。

5.Roos (1999) divided the factors involved (in terms of their significance as far as stabipty is concerned) into the trigger and the process.鲁斯(1999)除以所涉及的因素(在其意义就稳定而言)的触发和进程。

6.New U. S. ambassador to Japan John Roos said in an interview with U. S. National Pubpc Radio the deals were not negotiable.JohnRoos接受美国全国公共广播电台采访时称,不会与日本新政府重新谈判这些协议。

7.The United States will be represented at the ceremony Friday by Ambassador John Roos.美国驻日大使鲁斯将代表美国出席星期五的仪式。

8.Authorities say the mob of 'roos is endangering a species of local pzard and the threatened gold sun moth through overgrazing.有关部门表示,由于过度放牧,这些袋鼠已经对一种当地蜥蜴和金日蛾的生存构成了威胁。

9.That is why John Roos, America's ambassador in Tokyo, says Japan's involvement would be a "game-changer" .这就是为什么美驻日本大使约翰·鲁斯说日本的加入是“改变局面的事件”。

10.John Roos is also a regular member of important national music competitions in South Africa.约翰•卢斯也是一个重要的南非全国音乐比赛的正式成员。