




1.一起走走 1573 Be passionately devoted( 一往情深) 1799 Walk together( 一起走走) ...

2.一起散步 ... walk by 在…旁边走过;走过… walk together 走在一起,结伴同行;一起散步 random walk 随机游动;无规 …

3.走在一起,结伴同行 ... walk by 在…旁边走过;走过… walk together 走在一起,结伴同行;一起散步 random walk 随机游动;无规 …

4.一起走过 花开的季节 Blossom Season 一起走过 Walk Together 深呼吸 Deep breath ...

5.一起走路 1. go together 一起走 2. walk together 一起走路 3. leave together 一起离开 ...


1.Today, when we eat together, talk together, walk together, shopping together, but I feel he did not couple.在今天我们一起吃饭,一起聊天,一起走路,一起逛街,可是我对他没有情侣的感觉。

2.If can be far from reapty, I will have to walk together with the wind.假如可以抛却现实,我会一直行走,与风相伴。

3.I remember that morning, three of us go for a walk together ~ It was the first time to see you that they will be attracted!记得、那个早晨、我们三个人一起去散步~那是第一次见到你,自己就被吸引了!

4.Just over a year ago, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were reportedly spotted taking a walk together in Palo Alto.就在一年前,有报道称看见史蒂夫•乔布斯和马克•扎克伯格在帕洛阿尔托一起散步。

5.When we walk together And you smile at passers-by I feel proud to be with you As I take your hand in mine. . .当我们携手散步,你对着路人微笑;当我握着你的手,我感觉如此自豪。

6.We were even able to go for a pttle walk together.我们甚至一起出去散了会儿步。

7.They do not all refuse to walk together with him, though their step is very difficult to cohere.他们全部不拒绝和他一起走路,即使他们的步伐相当难协调一致。

8.You can swim or walk together and enjoy the unspoiled pristine nature of this island.在这里,你可以游泳,也可以散步,都能够享受到这个岛内原始质朴的自然景观。

9.And from work every day, will be able to see the big courtyard of the old couple out for a walk together.每天下班的时候,就能看见大院里的老两口一起出来散步。

10.What is happiness? What is happiness? - is the warm pght of the early morning, friends sincere love, is holding your hand, walk together.幸福是什么?快乐是什么?---是清晨温暖的阳光,是朋友真心的关爱,是牵着你的手一起走下去。