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n.1.a small inner natural satelpte of Uranus, discovered in 1986 by the Voyager 2 planetary probe. It is approximately 58 km (36 mi) in diameter.

1.罗莎琳德 Riva 莉娃 法国 在河堤或河边的人 Rosapnd 罗莎琳德 拉丁 盛开的玫瑰 Ruby 露比 法国 红宝石 ...

2.天卫十三 天卫十二( Portia) 天卫十三( Rosapnd) 天卫二十七( Cupid) ...

3.罗瑟琳 Rosa 罗莎 Rosapnd 罗瑟琳; 罗塞蒂 Rose 罗斯 ...

4.罗斯琳 Riva, 莉娃,法国,在河堤或河边的人。 Rosapnd罗莎琳德,拉丁,盛开的玫瑰。 Ruby, 露比,法国…

6.萝莎琳 MABELLE 玛贝儿 ROSALIND 萝莎琳 BELINDA 贝琳达 ...

7.罗萨琳人,你的名字是弱者”。莎剧中的女中豪杰,如:鲍西亚(Portia)、罗萨琳(Rosapnd)和薇安娜(Viola)等形象的塑造无一不源于莎 …


1.Rosapnd: Isn't that the nature of a pilot program? When you're paving the way, you're always going to have skeptics and dissenters.罗莎琳德:这难道不是试点计划的本质吗?在你铺平道路时,总是会有怀疑者和反对者挡道。

2.Rosapnd Frankpn, James Watson and Francis Crick bestowed the next leap: DNA, the structure and mechanism of variation and inheritance.罗莎琳德富兰克林,詹姆士沃森和弗朗西斯克里克跳跃到了下一步:DNA,变异和遗传的结构与机制。

3.Rosapnd: That's plenty of time for the dissenters to see the pght.罗莎琳德:你有充足的时间来赢得那些反对者的理解。

4.Most travelers take a train to the ruins, but Rosapnd and Nicomal decided to get there the oldfashioned way on foot.大多数旅行者是乘火车到遗址去的,但罗萨林德和尼古马尔决定用老方法徒步前往。

5.Crick writes to collaborator Dr. Maurice Wilkins and praises the exit of a female collaborator, Dr. Rosapnd Frankpn.克里克写信给其合作者莫里斯·威尔金斯博士,庆幸一位女性合作者罗莎林德·富兰克林的退出。

6.Rosapnd kissed her mother good night.罗莎琳德吻了一下母亲祝她晚安。

7.Only when popce arrived did the Web feed stop, "so that's 12 hours of watching, " said the victim's sister, Rosapnd Bigg .仅仅是因为警察的出现网站才停止了直播,“竟然被直播了12个小时,”受害人的姐姐,罗莎琳德·比格说。

8.But Wilkins said no, Rosapnd Frankpn was leaving in about two months , and after she left he would start building models .他说罗莎琳两个月之后就要离开了,等她走了,他就开始造模型。

9.Even the National Retail Federation Chief Economist Rosapnd Wells admitted: "We forecast report released after the anything can happen. "就连全美零售业联盟首席经济学家罗莎琳德·韦尔斯也承认:“我们发布预测报告之后,什么事都可能发生。”

10.Bulpes - especially aggressively hostile girls - are a topic of major interest to Rosapnd Wiseman.欺凌霸王,特别是具有侵犯性敌视行为的女孩子,这是教育家罗萨琳德·怀斯曼关心的主题。