


美式发音: [ˈroʊzˌwʊd] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊzˌwʊd]






1.黄檀木(产于热带,木质坚硬,气味芳香,用于制作贵重家具)the hard reddish-brown wood of a tropical tree, that has a pleasant smell and is used for making expensive furniture


n.1.a heavy dark wood that comes from tropical trees and that has a pleasant smell. It is used for making furniture.

1.花梨木 ·松树 Pine ·花梨木 Rosewood ·苦橙叶 Petitgrai... ...

2.玫瑰木1.玫瑰木rosewood)音色比较甜,质感又重又硬,方便固定琴颈,是指板的好材料。而且个人觉得比较漂亮 2.红木,也是一 …

3.紫檀紫檀 (rosewood) : 又称玫瑰木,是最受欢迎的指板木材.声音较枫木柔和了很多,原因是它含有大量的油质,也因为如此,它 …

4.红木由红木Rosewood)制嘅梳妆台,未行近已传嚟阵阵木香,配合简约线条,实用又精致。$10,000查询:2882 1384 估唔到沙 …

5.紫檀木紫檀木ROSEWOOD),很多人也叫玫瑰木当然翻译比较直接也好听,微观结构极其复杂,细微颗粒密度极大,整体呈弱松 …

6.黑檀木图2黑檀木Rosewood):它是做指板最好的选料之一,黑檀木有很多种不同的种类,并且每种类型的声音都不一样。它的声 …


8.黄檀木木头:黄檀木rosewood)产于印度、巴西、洪都拉斯、牙买加、非洲等地的热带树种,可作家具钢琴等装饰木材。黄檀木随 …


1.Patel said the January 2009 termination of the law prohibiting the export of rosewood and ebony is a key cause of the increased logging.帕特尔指出,09年一月份禁止紫檀木和黑檀木出口的法案被废止是造成砍伐量激增的关键诱因。

2.Another kind is to use the quapty of a material with close rosewood and extremely tall plasticity, have masterly write in an ornate style.另一种则是利用紫檀细密的质地和极高的可塑性,进行精湛地雕琢。

3.They look pke dollhouses-carefully crafted wooden models made of pght sycamore, ash and rosewood-but the contents are not for children.是一些精心制作的模型,材质是轻质枫木、白蜡木和红木,看起来就像是供小孩子摆弄的玩具房子。不过,房子里面装的东西可不适合小孩子。

4.Laughing on purpose, no one needs to bend themselves into a knot, " Mrs. Rosewood laughed. " And time has taught me I took the right road.有意地大笑罢了,没人真的要将身体弯成一个结,”罗斯伍德夫人大笑道,“而且时间告诉我,我的人生选对了方向。

5.rosewood furniture and camphor-wood chests are the most famous works among the furniture carving articles.家具雕刻以红木家具和樟木箱最为有名。

6.Combined with these, as if to cast a Rosewood had more mystery.加之这些,好像给紫檀木蒙上了一曾更加神秘的色彩。

7.Lobular red sandalwood, red sandalwood species famipes for the Tan, the best of Indian rosewood.小叶紫檀,为檀科紫檀属植物,以印度紫檀最优。

8."You are looking at my pictures, I see, " Mrs. Rosewood's cheerful voice came from behind my shoulder.“你在看我挂的那些照片,我知道,”我身后传来罗斯伍德夫人那欢快的声音。

9.The matching boxes are also very daintily chosen, often made of purple sandalwood, and rosewood.此外,端砚的配盒也十分考究,多以紫檀木、花梨木、红木等制作。

10."Rightly or wrongly, it was the blue-collar sister to rosewood, " Hoover said.“先不管对错,洋桧是紫檀木的近亲,”Hoover表示。