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1.罗思自1966年罗思(Roth)发表的著名的D算法以来,数字电路测试理论得到了迅 速发展.研究者们提出了各种基于用门级描述数字 …

2.罗仕证券有限公司罗仕证券有限公司(ROTH)是一家以客户关系为中心的投资银行,专注于为机构投资者发现美国和中国公司的在美国上市的股票 …

3.罗丝德国绿党党主席罗丝Roth)女士与联邦党团主席歌林爱卡德(Goering-Eckardt)也指出,中国颁布「授权对台战争」的反分 …

4.罗斯退休帐户不管是罗斯退休帐户Roth),或可抵税或不可抵税的退休帐户,任何一种退休帐户都很重要。有许多实用书籍和网路文章能 …

5.罗特  罗特Roth)市位于德国南部的巴伐利亚州,在其州府纽伦堡以南约30公里。至20世纪60年代,罗特市已被称作“巴伐利亚州工 …

6.罗斯帐户例如,雇主提供的401(k)计画是不是有罗斯帐户Roth),选用了Roth 401(k),存放进去的钱必须缴纳所得税,但将来退休后 …

7.劳斯用劳斯Roth)判据也可以求得 K0。


1.That allowed me to open a Roth individual retirement account for her, which will give Hannah tax-free growth.所以我可以替她开设一个乐富(Roth)个人退休帐户。由此汉娜将获得免税的财富增值。

2.AEG spokesman Michael Roth said the company had not seen the lawsuit and had no immediate comment.AEG的发言人迈克尔·罗斯表示公司目前还没有看到起诉书,暂不回应。

3.For more from J. D. Roth, check out his excellent personal finance blog, Get Rich Slowly (or subscribe to his feed).想对J.D.鲁斯有更多的了解,请访问他优秀的个人财经博客,“慢慢阅读”(或订阅)。

4.It was a famous photo from photographer Dave Roth who photoshopped the head of his own daughter on a picture with a house on fire.这是出自摄影师戴夫.罗思的一张有名的相片,相片上,他把自己女儿的头部与一座失火的房子合成到了一起。

5.Mr Roth is hardly alone, either in his previous hatred for the former first lady or in his grudging new acceptance of her.无论在先前对前第一夫人的反感还是现在对她勉强的接受,罗斯先生并不是孤立的。

6.Chapter three focuses on Phipp Roth's ethical position of human's pursuit of good in terms of human-other relationship.第三章主要探讨菲利普·罗斯在人与他人关系上求善的伦理主张。

7.Although he was displeased with Minetta and Roth , he did not think of complaining to Croft .他尽管很生米尼塔和罗思的气,却并不想向克洛夫特告状。

8.Roth's Darpa-funded research might come in handy as he works out the kinks in this new procedure.罗斯的达尔帕资助研究可能会派上用场,因为他作出扭结在这新程序中。

9.'Skepticism is growing about Beijing's abipty to manage inflation in a global setting, ' said Roth Capital Partners in a report this week.RothCapitalPartners在本周的一份报告中写道,人们越来越怀疑中国政府是否有能力在当前的全球大环境下控制通胀。

10.Above all, Mr Roth has understood that if you test theory in a real-world environment, the theory will improve. So may the world itself.总而言之,罗思明白,如果你在真实环境中测试理论,理论就会改善。或许现实世界也是如此。