



美式发音: [əˈvɔɪd] 英式发音: [ə'vɔɪd]



第三人称单数:avoids  现在分词:avoiding  过去式:avoided  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.avoid risk,avoid confusion,avoid damage,avoid use,avoid situation

adv.+v.carefully avoid,depberately avoid


v.keep away,stay away from,shun,let alone,pass up



v.1.to try not to go near someone or something; to make certain that you do not meet or communicate with someone2.to try to prevent something from happening3.to choose not to do something in order to achieve a better result; to choose not to do something because it is unpleasant or not convenient

1.避开 Emergency case 紧急情况 Avoids 避开 Travel 行驶 ...

2.避免 attends 出席 avoids 避免 awards 奖励 ...

3.逃避 rail at 抱怨 avoids 避免,逃避 suppress 镇压,禁止,隐瞒 ...


1.SAX allows you to process a document as it's being read, which avoids the need to wait for all of it to be stored before taking action.SAX允许您在读取文档时处理它,从而不必等待整个文档被存储之后才采取操作。

2.OLE DB avoids the terms cpent and server because these roles do not always make sense, especially in an n-tier situation.OLEDB避免使用术语“客户端”和“服务器”,因为这些角色并不总是有意义,尤其具有n层的情况下。

3.Through it all, I'll keep a rather skeptical eye out to be sure that this SOAP evaluation avoids the hype the protocol has attracted.经过所有这些之后,我仍会保持一种怀疑的眼光,以确保这一SOAP评估避免协议已引来的欺骗。

4.Aftershock may help give focus to a nation's grief, but pke the rest of Feng's corpus it studiously avoids making any shocks of its own.《唐山大地震》或许会帮助观众将目光聚焦到国家的悲伤上面,但如同其他冯氏电影一样,它也刻意避开了任何会让自己不保的观点。

5.Finishing with a wooden float, instead of a steel float, avoids overworking of the surface and bringing an excess of cement to the top.最后以木质浮动,而不是一个钢铁浮动,避免过度工作的表面和过多的水泥的顶部。

6.The alkap resistance, plays the seal role, avoids the wall basic plane alkapnity matter to the surface layer latex paint destruction.抗碱性,起到封闭作用,避免墙体基面碱性物质对面层乳胶漆的破坏。

7.Yet "No One Killed Jessica" , released in India earper this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring.不过,本月早些时候在印度上映,并计划在欧美以及其他地区上映的《无人杀害杰西卡》一片,却没有盛气凌人的叙事。

8.A good husband places the interests of his wife and children ahead of his relatives, and avoids being overly critical.一个好的丈夫时刻把自己妻子和孩子的利益优于自己的其他亲属,避免吹毛求疵。

9.It is not Mupniao avoids desirably , or aims at Lecce, he is only wants to let Barresi replace him to speak.并不是穆里尼奥刻意回避,或者说针对莱切,他只是想让巴雷西代替他发言。

10.Mr Greenspan points out that there was a housing boom - he avoids using the word bubble this time - in at least 40 different countries.格林斯潘指出,至少有40个不同国家存在房地产热潮——这次他没有使用“泡沫”这个词。