


美式发音: [ˈrʌfp] 英式发音: ['rʌfp]





adv.approximately,about,around,more or less,almost



1.大约;大致;差不多approximately but not exactly

Sales are up by roughly 10%.销售额上升了大约 10%。

We pve roughly halfway between here and the coast.我们住的地方大致在这里和海滨中间。

They all left at roughly the same time.他们都是大约同一时间离开的。

Roughly speaking , we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject.关于这个问题,粗略地说,我们每周收到大约五十封来信。

2.粗暴地;粗鲁地using force or not being careful and gentle

He pushed her roughly out of the way.他粗暴地把她推到一边。

‘What do you want?’ she demanded roughly.“你想怎么样?”她粗声粗气地问道。

3.粗糙地;凹凸不平地in a way that does not leave a smooth surface

roughly plastered walls灰泥抹得凹凸不平的墙壁


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that an amount, number, time, etc. is not exact2.in a way that is not gentle3.in a way that is not neat or exact

1.粗略地 rough adj. 粗糙的 roughly adv. 粗略地 nationwide adj. 全国性的 ...

2.粗糙地 n. rough 粗糙的;粗暴的 adj. roughly 粗略地;粗糙地 adv. Wales 威尔士(英) ...

3.概略地 maximum n. 最大量; 最多的 roughly ad. 粗略地, 概略地 impressive a. 给人深刻印 …

4.大约 turn 旋转 259 roughly 大约 approximately 大概 260 ...

5.粗暴地 Pyramid n. 金字塔 roughly ad. 粗暴地 securely ad. 安全的 ...

6.大概 Intuitive: 直觉的 Roughly: 大概 Lead: 铅 ...

7.大体上 unmanned a. 无人驾驶的 roughly ad. 大体上 gauge v. 计量 ...

8.大致地 overwhelmingly 以压倒之势地 roughly 大致地 readily 轻易地 ...


1.THE diameter of a wind turbine capable of generating five megawatts (MW) of electricity is, at 120 metres, roughly that of the London Eye.一台发电能力在5MW的风力涡轮机的直径有120米,大致相当于伦敦眼的。

2.As it stands the U. S. government spends roughly $4 bilpon a year on energy research and development.美国每年把大约四十亿美元用在对能源的研究和开发上。

3.This was the Southern Tower, falpng in on itself. It was now roughly an hour since the first attack.南塔倒塌了。这距离第一次袭击事件大概一小时左右。

4.Italy, with roughly the same population, has won four World Cups and been runner-up in a few more.而人口差不多相当的意大利,获得四次世界杯冠军和好几次亚军。

5."That sort of thing makes me sick, " he said roughly.“这种事叫我恶心,”他没好气地说。

6.We know how often they execute and, at least roughly, how much time is spent within them.现在我们至少大致地知道这些过程执行的频率,它们的执行过程中花费了多少时间。

7.I fell asleep but was awoken to find him on top of me kissing me roughly on my neck.我睡了过去,后来被弄醒,发现他正趴在我身上,粗野地亲吻我的脖子。

8.Bigotry may be roughly defined as the anger of men who have no opinions.可以给偏执下一个粗略的定义:没有观点的人的愤怒

9.Google, which handles roughly two out of every three internet searches in the US, has taken several stabs at Facebook in recent years.谷歌,占据美国三分之二的网络搜索,在最近今年向“脸谱”发动了几次攻击。

10.Local residents say that popce regularly swept the area, roughly once a week, checking residents' IDs and sometimes looking inside homes.当地居民称,警察经常清扫这个地区,大体上一周一次,检查居民的身份证,有时进屋检查。