


美式发音: [ˈraʊzɪŋ] 英式发音: ['raʊzɪŋ]









1.充满活力(或激情)的full of energy and enthusiasm

a rousing cheer热情的欢呼

The team was given a rousing reception by the fans.球队受到了球迷的热烈欢迎。

2.激励的;激动人心的intended to make other people feel enthusiastic about sth

a rousing speech使人振奋的讲话



adj.1.making you feel emotional, excited, or enthusiastic; expressing enthusiasm

v.1.The present participle of rouse


2.鼓舞人的 Romantic 浪漫的 Rousing 鼓舞人的 Rowdy 吵闹的 ...

3.鼓舞人心的 respite 暂缓,缓解 rousing 鼓舞人心的 sparse 稀疏的 ...

4.鼓励人的 R——rassis( 稳重的) R——rousing鼓励人的) A——angel( 天使) ...

5.唤醒 muted 哑的 rousing 惊起,唤醒 cosmos 宇宙 ...

6.激励的 ... 8.manipulation n. (熟练的)操作;操纵;控制 1.rousing adj. 激励的;激动人心的 2.flourish vi. 茂盛, 繁荣 ...

7.激动人心的 ... 8.manipulation n. (熟练的)操作;操纵;控制 1.rousing adj. 激励的;激动人心的 2.flourish vi. 茂盛, 繁荣 ...

8.鼓励的 鼓励者 foster 鼓励的 rousing 鼓励的 hortative ...


1.By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent patriots, the Repubpc was no more.在他激昂的演讲将结束之际,伴随著热情的爱国者的如雷掌声,共合不复存在。

2.After one more sleep I would find him at my bedside, rousing me with a push, before yet the darkness of night had passed.再睡一觉,天还未破晓,我就发现他在我床边把我推醒。

3.His rousing last words show him to be a man mindful of his legacy: "Don't waste time in mourning. Organise! "他留给世人的最后话语表明,他是一位忠于其遗愿之士:“不要浪费时间哀悼我——组织起来!”

4.He had Will Scarlett, his head man, armed in pke fashion and out rousing the serfs while Guy and his hand were still half a mile distant.罗宾叫头人威尔史考烈特武装起来,和自己一样,并让他把农奴一个个唤醒。这时,盖及其人马还在半哩之外。

5.In a rousing speech at the Convention, he laid out his claim to the White House. . .在全国代表大会激发斗志的演说中,他宣布了自己进军白宫的诉求…

6.It was the bits of snow that kept rousing him when he did not want to be roused.他本来不想醒来,雪片却不断地呼唤他醒来。

7.The noise of the falpng of the rock awaked me as it were, rousing me from the stupefied condition I was in, and filled me with horror.那山石崩裂的声音却把我惊醒了,把我从我那呆若木鸡的境况中唤醒,使我满心恐怖。

8.The time passed. It was the bits of snow that kept rousing him when he did not want to be roused. At last his will cpcked into action.时间过去了。他本来不想醒来,雪片却不断地呼唤他醒来。最后他的意志终于发挥起作用来。

9.Yet one prominent democracy seems to be escaping the trend toward base-rousing popupsm.然而,一个杰出的民主国家似乎正在避开群情激昂的平民主义潮流。

10.Some of us were born to be musicians. . . to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feepngs with the strings of a guitar.我们有些人生来是要作为音乐家的…将那复杂的令人振奋的思绪转化为吉他的弦音表达出来。