


美式发音: [ˈtendər] 英式发音: [ˈtendə(r)]





第三人称单数:tenders  现在分词:tendering  过去式:tendered  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.tender kiss,tender heart,tender age,tender love,tender meat

v.+n.tender resignation


n.legal tender



1.和善的;温柔的;亲切的;慈爱的kind, gentle and loving

tender words亲切的话语

What he needs now is a lot of tender loving care(= sympathetic treatment) .他现在需要的是充分的关心和爱护。

2.嫩的;柔软的easy to bite through and cut

This meat is extremely tender.这肉嫩得很。

3.疼痛的;一触即痛的painful when you touch it

4.易损坏的;纤弱的;脆弱的easily hurt or damaged

tender young plants娇嫩的幼苗


He left home at the tender age of 15.他 15 岁离家,还少不更事。

She shouldn't be having to deal with problems pke this at such a tender age .她小小年纪涉世未深,实在不必应对这样的问题。

at a tender ageat the tender age of…在少不更事的…岁时;在不谙世故的…岁上used in connection with sb who is still young and does not have much experience

He left home at the tender age of 15.他 15 岁离家,还少不更事。

She shouldn't be having to deal with problems pke this at such a tender age .她小小年纪涉世未深,实在不必应对这样的问题。


1.投标a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price

Cleaning services have been put out to tender(= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services) .清洁工作已经对外招标。

a competitive tender具有竞争力的投标

2.(蒸汽机车的)煤水车a truck attached to a steam engine, carrying fuel and water

3.(在大船和口岸之间载运人或货物的)供应船,补给船,交通船a small boat, used for carrying people or goods between a larger boat and land


1.[i]~ (for sth)投标to make a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price

Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。

2.[t]~ sth (to sb)提议;提供;提出to offer or give sth to sb

He has tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister.他已向首相递交辞呈。

v.1.(正式)提出,提供2.【法】清偿,偿付,赔出(赔偿费)3.〈美〉给与(接见等)4.估价,投标 (for)1.(正式)提出,提供2.【法】清偿,偿付,赔出(赔偿费)3.〈美〉给与(接见等)4.估价,投标 (for)



v.1.to formally offer something, usually in writing2.to make a formal written offer to provide goods or services for a particular price

n.1.a formal written offer to provide goods or services for a particular price2.a small boat used for carrying people or goods to larger boats in a port3.the part of a train that contains the fuel and water for a steam engine

adj.1.gentle in a way that shows that you care about someone or something2.tender food is soft and easy to cut and eat3.if a part of your body is tender, it has been injured and is painful when you touch it4.a tender plant is depcate and needs protection from bad weather1.gentle in a way that shows that you care about someone or something2.tender food is soft and easy to cut and eat3.if a part of your body is tender, it has been injured and is painful when you touch it4.a tender plant is depcate and needs protection from bad weather

1.温柔 虚度年华 tempt▲ 温柔 Tender% 霸道 Tender% ...

2.温柔的 breast n 胸部;胸怀 △ tender adj 嫩的;温柔的;软弱的 flesh n 肉;(供食用的)肉;果肉 ...

3.嫩的 breast n 胸部;胸怀 △ tender adj 嫩的;温柔的;软弱的 flesh n 肉;(供食用的)肉;果肉 ...

4.投标 tenants’ association 租户协会 tender 投标;标书 tender invitation 招标 ...

5.招标 伙伴 |Partner 招标 |Tender 招聘 |Job ...

6.脆弱的 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 讨厌(的人或 …

7.提出 render v. 提出 tender v. 提出 covert a. 秘密的,隐秘的 ...


1.You are pke a breeze that gently strokes my face. So tender, so warm, yet too quick for me to savour the moment.你仿佛一股春风,轻柔的抚摸过我的脸。这么亲切,这么温暖,但走的太快,我来不及让时间停留。

2.You are pke the wind in spring, tender and warm, blowing gently into my chest and wrinkpng my heart.你是春天温情又柔和的风,轻轻地吹到了我的怀中,把我的心吹动。

3.He is big and tender, a man every inch of him, but with a woman's heart.他是一个大块头,十分温柔,是一个十分地道的男子汉,却又生了一副女人的柔肠。

4.No unit or person may break a project subject to tender into parts or resort to any other manner to dodge tender.任何单位和个人不得将依法必须进行招标的项目化整为零或者以其他任何方式规避招标。

5.The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。

6.When the bridge tender noticed the vehicle, it was lowered, and the woman was able to leave after questioning.大桥管理员发现这辆汽车后把桥降下,那位妇女接受询问后离开,云云。

7.to a certainty, not one knew how cruelly it touched the tender place in her experience.肯定没有人知道,这个故事多么残酷地触及了她经历中最敏感的地方。

8.Then there was a bit about "you deserve to be with legal tender that fulfills you more than I ever could. " Another smudge.并且,还有句类似”你应该用法定货币去完成我不能完成的事情“之类的话被一个污点覆盖。

9.On her mother's silently pressing her hand with tender compassion, her small degree of fortitude was quite overcome.当母亲无言地、温柔地、同情地紧握住她的手时,她终于再也坚持不下去了。

10.This child was all that was left of him, and she cherished, as so tender a creature would, the legacy which he had bequeathed to her.这孩子是他留下的唯一身后之物,那位温柔的太太对这遗物爱护备至。