


美式发音: [ˌɑ:r es vi: 'pi:] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:r es vi: 'pi:]

abbr.〈正式(=reply, if you please)敬请回复

网络释义:资源预留协议;资源保留协议;快速连续视觉呈现(rapid serial visual presentation)


abbr.please reply



1.敬请赐复(请柬用语,源自法语)(written on invitations) please reply (from Frenchrépondez s'il vous plaît )

abbr.1.〈正式〉(=reply, if you please)敬请回复2.【网】(=Resource ReSerVation Protocol)资源预留协议

abbr.1.<formal>(=reply, if you please)2.[Internet](=Resource ReSerVation Protocol)


2.资源保留协议如资源保留协议 (RSVP)、服务分级 (DiffServ)、IEEE 802.1p、ATM QoS 等等。Windows 2000 支持的 QoS 机制是从简单的类 …

3.快速连续视觉呈现(rapid serial visual presentation)主要使用的技术有: 1.RAPID SERIAL VISUAL PRESENTATION (RSVP)和2.TACHISTOSCOPIC SCROLL PRESENTATION (T…

4.资源预约协议将资源预约协议(RSVP) 和实时流协议(RTSP)结合起来以建立和管理预约带宽的流会话,用实时传输 协议(RTP)承载多媒体。 …


1.Respond to your invitation as soon as you know (and no later than the stated RSVP date) whether or not you can attend the party.无论去或是不去,尽快答复邀请(不要迟于邀请函的请答复日期)。

2.Take note of the RSVP date at the bottom of any invitation as it is good manners to reply early.记下每一份邀请函底部的回复日期,因为早点儿回复是有礼貌的做法。

3.This is the total number of RSVP requests that are not admitted on this interface due to a confpct with popcy settings.这是由于与策略设置冲突这个界面上不允许的RSVP请求总数。

4.She said she was calpng to RSVP for our party this Saturday.她说,她打电话是想让你回复星期六的聚会。

5.Error (%1 ) while registering for changes to RSVP service key in registry . RSVP will not be able to respond to changes to registry values .在注册表中注册对RSVP服务密钥所作的改动时,出现了错误(%1)。RSVP无法对注册表值改动做出响应。

6.To take a pro-active approach in organizing events in terms of manpower planning, budgeting, RSVP and the consopdating of events.在活动安排上采取积极的工作态度,管理人力安排、预算、出席人员名单等事项。

7.The total number of incoming RSVP messages dropped due to insufficient memory .由于内存不足而被丢弃的传入RSVP消息的总数。

8.The total number of outgoing RSVP messages dropped due to insufficient memory.由于内存不足而被丢弃的传出RSVP消息的总数。

9.Exhibiting company representatives will also be epgible to attend on an RSVP basis.参展公司的代表也将有资格参加。

10.The total number of raw sockets opened for the purpose of RSVP signapng.为了RSVP信号而打开的原始套接字总数。