


网络释义:生殖道感染(reproductive tract infection);相对温度指数(Relative Temperature Index);中央广播电台(radio taiwan international)


1.生殖道感染(reproductive tract infection)Continue Reading BBC Business News Upco…

5.育龄妇女生殖道感染⑶育龄妇女生殖道感染RTI)综合防治工程:减轻、预防RTI对人群健康的危害,促进计划生育健康发展; ⑷出生缺陷干预工 …


1.Objective To investigate the current state of reproductive tract infection(RTI) in floating rural women in Suzhou.目的了解苏州市外来农村女性患生殖道感染性疾病的状况。

2.Objective Probe into the epidemiology characteristic that the road traffic injures(RTI).目的探讨道路交通伤(RTI)的流行病学特点。

3.DataStage, an IBM flagship product, provides a complete solution for real-time data integration (RTI) that can be handled as a Web service.DataStage是一款IBM旗舰产品,它为实时数据集成(RTI)提供了一整套解决方案,可以将RTI作为Web服务来进行处理。

4."These guys will try absolutely anything to get an edge on their competitors, " said Neil Anderson, the president of RTI.“这些人一定会尝试所有东西去超越其他的竞争对手。”RTI公司的尼尔.安德森总裁这样说到。

5.RTI India is a web community that reports and works on corruption and right to information issues.即是一个网路群体,致力于检举贪污以及争取资讯权等议题。

6.The time management of HLA is reapzed by RTI and federates together, RTI provides interfaces to exchange efficient information.HLA时间管理由RTI和联邦成员共同完成,RTI提供相应的接口以实现有效信息交换。

7.The design leverages RTI 's message bus to implement a hierarchical control network with well controlled data-flows.此设计使RTI的信号总线能实现更好地控制数据流的分层控制网。

8.Real time performance is critical for applying HLA in man-in-the-loop simulation, for which the current RTI always doesn't work.将HLA应用于人在回路的仿真要求具有实时性,当前RTI软件一般不能满足要求。

9.Randomized controlled trials are warranted to explore the effects of vitamin D supplementation on RTI.随机对照试验有助于探索在呼吸道感染时使用维生素D的效应。

10.RTI provides specially design(designed) instruction for children who have school(scored) low on general tests.RTI为那些在通常测试中分数低的学生提供特殊设计的指导。