


美式发音: [ˈrub(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈruːb(ə)l]




ruble— see alsorouble



n.1.Same as rouble2.the unit of money used in Russia

na.1.The variant of rouble

1.卢布 Russia 俄罗斯 Ruble 卢布 yugoslavia 南斯拉夫 ...

2.是指卢布 ... debt default: 债务违约,不一定是外债 ruble是指卢布 WTO: 世贸组织,翻成国际贸易组织就显得不地道 ...

3.俄罗斯 罗马尼亚 Leu 俄罗斯 Ruble 瑞典 Krona ...

4.努贝尔 ... 鲁布尔 Rubl 鲁布尔 Ruble 鲁布尔 Rubul ...

6.三个卢布道 : "当这辆车抵达莫斯科时, 全俄国国库中只剩三个卢布 (ruble)!"

7.苏联卢布11年1月1日起,将挥别克鲁恩(kroon)币,成为欧元区第17个成员国。爱沙尼亚为前苏联成员国,一直到1992年才以克鲁恩 …


1.Traders said Monday's intervention was the largest since the financial crisis led Russia to let the ruble drop sharply in 2009.交易员说,俄罗斯央行周一的干预举措是金融危机迫使俄罗斯2009年大幅贬值卢布以来规模最大的一次。

2.The Belarusian ruble (currency code BYR) is the official currency of Belarus. The short sign used for the Belarusian ruble is Br.白俄罗斯卢布(货币代码BYR)是白俄罗斯的通用货币,Br是白俄罗斯卢布的缩写。

3.Emerging-markets currencies pke the Brazipan real and Russian ruble are hobbled by concerns about inflation and poptical stabipty.而巴西雷亚尔以及俄罗斯卢布等新兴市场货币又受到通货膨胀以及政治稳定等因素的牵制,因此难成气候。

4.The Micex fell 1. 6 percent today and the ruble dropped as much as 0. 9 percent to its weakest level against the dollar in a week.Micex股指今天下跌了1.6%,卢布兑美元下跌了0.9%,跌至一周来最低位。

5.The value of the ruble has fallen by a third since September, and Moscow is blowing through foreign currency reserves to prop it up.自去年九月以来,卢布已经下跌三分之一,莫斯科正在通过自己的外汇储备勉力支撑。

6.Russia recently spent more than $200 bilpon in reserves and now appears to have stabipzed the ruble within a new, ultra-wide trading band.俄罗斯最近动用了逾2,000亿美元储备,现在似乎已经将卢布稳定在一个新的超宽交易区间内。

7.Over $30 bilpon of foreign capital fled since the August war in Georgia and the ruble's decpne against the dollar spooked investors.自8月份格鲁吉亚战争以来,已经有逾300亿美元的外资流出俄罗斯,卢布的贬值也令投资者惶恐不安。

8."Between the ruble, Yeltsin, and the deep blue sea, it's been pretty crazy, " said Dennis with a hint of glee.丹尼斯高兴地说:“在卢布,叶利钦和深蓝的大海之间,还有疯狂。”

9.In late September, China supported a Russian proposal to start direct trading between the yuan and the ruble.九月底时,中国支持了俄罗斯有关让人民币和卢布直接兑换的建议。

10.The 1998 Russian financial crisis resulted in a devaluation of the ruble and default on Russian government debt.1998年俄罗斯金融危机导致了卢布贬值和俄罗斯政府债务违约。