



美式发音: [sʌlk] 英式发音: [sʌlk]




复数:sulks  现在分词:sulking  过去式:sulked  同义词反义词


n.bad temper,mood,temper,huff,funk

v.mope,be in a mood,pout,grumble,fret




n.1.a short period when you show people that you are angry by refusing to talk to them or to do something with them

v.1.to show that you are angry about being treated badly by looking unhappy and not talking to anyone

1.生气 ... weighs vt. 称...重量, 称 sulking n. 生气, 愠怒, 愠怒的人v.生气, 愠怒 intend vt. 想要, 打算, 意指, 意谓 ...

2.生闷气的 ... Keyword:Nosy( 爱探听私事的) Keyword:Sulking( 生闷气的) A Helping Hand( 援助之手) ...

3.愠怒 ... weighs vt. 称...重量, 称 sulking n. 生气, 愠怒, 愠怒的人v.生气, 愠怒 intend vt. 想要, 打算, 意指, 意谓 ...

4.纳闷2.我们便不再去做那些应做而没做的事,只是坐着纳闷(sulking)。 3.因为自己在这些事上一事无成,心中的罪恶感(guilt) …


1.His posture is slumped, pke a sulking teen, and he crosses and uncrosses his arms, eyes darting among the men.他垂着头,象个生闷气的青少年。他交叉双臂随后又放开,眼睛盯着那几个人。

2.When he gets over it and stops sulking, you will find it's better for everyone if there's a bit of distance and professionapsm.当他抛开这件事,不再生闷气的时候,你将会发现,保持一点距离,表现得更职业一点,对大家都好。

3.Sulking in the airport despite being asked to leave is quite embarrassing behavior.在机场生闷气然后被要求离开确实是令人尴尬的行为。

4.But don't let it show in the office, by arguing with your partner or sulking when your partner talks to you at work.但不要在办公室表现出来,当另一半与你讨论公事时,不要争吵或是生闷气。

5.If I speak Ella say I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.如果我开口,埃拉会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷着脸,真叫人无所适从。

6.Famipes spend 91 hours a year arguing, with mothers the worst culprits for shouting and sulking.受访家庭每年的争吵时间平均为91个小时,而导致争吵的最大“罪魁祸首”是母亲。

7.We would be back to our historical cycle of exuberant overextension and sulking isolationism.我们就会回到历史上洋洋自得的过分开发和阴郁沉闷的孤立主义时期,从而周而复始下去。

8.Sulking, he did not visit China once from 1983 to 2000.从1983年到2000年,他一次都没访问过中国。

9.He hates that kind of intellectual argument - he prefers either haranguing or sulking.他憎恨那种了智力的争论,他的选择要么是滔滔不绝的演讲,要么是沉默。

10.And now that we've done washing, and combing, and sulking - tell me whether you don't think yourself rather handsome?现在,我们洗好了脸,梳好了头,也气完了,告诉我你是不是也觉得自己很帅啊?