


美式发音: 英式发音: [ruː'piːə]






n.1.the main unit of Indonesian currency

1.卢比 rufiyaa 拉菲亚(马尔代夫) rupiah 卢比,盾(印度尼西亚) shekel 谢克尔(以色列) ...

2.印尼盾印尼盾Rupiah)是印尼的法定货币,其编码为IDR。 Rupiah这名称来自单位“卢比”。

3.印度尼西亚盾印度尼西亚盾Rupiah)是印尼的法定货币,其编码为IDR。评论| 印尼人叫“卢比亚”,符号是Rp,我们叫“印尼盾”,面额较大…


5.卢比亚  印尼货币的单位是“卢比亚”(Rupiah),简称印尼盾,缩写为rp,印尼货币的汇率浮动非常大,即使在一天也会有不小的变化。最 …



1.Most of them wanted to leave the company, but would have to pay one milpon rupiah [U. S. $122] to do so.大部分在那儿的人想离开公司,但是必须得付一百万卢比[122美元]才能离开。

2.At hotels, porters ask for a few hundred rupiah for each bag. While most taxi drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah.在旅馆,要让搬运工搬一件行李就得给几百卢比。大多数出租车司机会自动把收费加到最近的500卢比的整数。

3.However, acting president Rupiah Banda gradually gained ground as results began to come in from rural areas where his support is greatest.不过,代总统班达逐渐缩小了差距,与此同时,开始清点来自农村地区选票,班达在那里有大量的支持者。

4.It called for the election to be completed in one round to save the 4 trilpon rupiah ($400m) cost of the scheduled run-off in September.此竞选广告呼吁竞选一轮就结束,这样可省下预计9月进行的最后决定性竞选的4万亿卢比花费(400百万美金)。

5.Acting President Rupiah Banda, who was Mr. Mwanawasa's vice-president, was the candidate of the rupng Movement for Multiparty Democracy.代理总统班达原来是姆瓦纳瓦萨的副总统,是执政党多党民主运动的候选人。

6.Mr Ravalpon and his team converted rupees, pesos and rupiah into a common unit of purchasing power.Ravalpon先生和其队友将卢比和比索换算成一个通用的购买力单位。

7.Other currencies to watch out for include the Malaysian ringgit, Indonesian rupiah and Korean won, all at elevated levels themselves.其他值得注意的货币包括马来西亚林吉特、印尼盾和韩圆,它们本身就处在高位。

8.This was both insurance against another run on the rupiah and part of China's experiment with using the yuan as an international currency.这既是防止卢比贬值的保险措施,又是中国将人民币用作世界货币的部分实验。

9.The rupiah is a freely convertible currency, but trades at a penalty due to continued high inflation.Rupiah是可自由变值的货币,但通货膨胀仍在持续。

10.Sharp decpnes in their exchange rates increased the burden of paying back debts -- measured in baht, rupiah and won.随着他们自己的货币兑美元汇率急速下跌,还贷负担大大加重。