




1.盒 ... ) substitution of S-box S-盒代替 ) S-box S盒 ) S-box S-盒 ...

3.箱  CAST-128使用8个置换箱:置换s-box)S1、S2、S3和S4是循环置换箱,S5、S6、   S7和S8是密钥表置换箱。

4.变换函数使用Hénon映射,生成多个动态S-box,对各个数据块加密、解密时,按照一定规则选择其中一个变换函数S-box)。对文本 …



1.Recorded with Chris Thomas in London, the song appeared first on the UK release of Elton's box-set "to be continued. . . "与克里斯托马斯在伦敦录制,歌曲首先出现在英国发行的埃尔顿箱设置要继续…

2.All communist party members accept guidance from the top. Few party stalwarts would rock the boat to open a Pandora's box of new ideas.所有共产党员都接受上级的指挥,忠贞党员几乎无人会破坏现状,提出新观念而引来麻烦!

3.It's angered China, opened a Pandora's box for a state with its own breakaway candidates, and lost its international law card.这让中国很恼火,因为这打开了这个国家分离主义的潘多拉盒子,使其失去了国际法这张牌。

4.Although well intended, one-offs are easily forgotten, potentially harmful, something of a Pandora's Box, and best avoided.一次性的东西很容易被遗忘,可能会造成损害,最好一开始就避免它们。

5.I will find Pandora's Box. And I will use it. . . , . TO see him trembpng AND fall before me.我会找到潘多拉魔盒,我还会使用它,看着战神在我面前抖颤着倒下!

6.The Pope may thus have opened Pandora's Box. But he may have had no choice, from the institutional perspective that I have been emphasizing.教皇已经打开了潘多拉的宝盒。但就我前面从教会制度角度所作的分析看来,他已别无选择。

7.So, the next day we all waited in suspense in Betty's box at the race course as the race started.于是,第二天,比赛开始的时候,我们就在赛场内贝蒂的包厢里,个个紧张地等待着。

8.They know their jobs back to front, whether the ball is in the opposition's box or their own.他们知道他们的原始使命,无论球是在对手还是在他们的脚下。

9.Whether a Pandora's box or a treasure chest has yet to be seen, and is up to the users to decide.它呈现的是潘多拉魔盒还是藏宝箱,就要看使用者如何把握了。

10.It is called a cluster, is due to the core part of the S-box can be any length, but generally 256 bytes.之所以称其为簇,是由于其核心部分的S-box长度可为任意,但一般为256字节。