




1.访问控制协议 无线传感器网络竞争类MAC协议2.1 传感器媒介访问控制协议S-MAC)2.1.1 能量浪费原因分析2.1.2 S-MAC协议概述2.1.3 …

2.传感器协议EE802.15.4 MAC协议的各种性能,并结合传感网络介质访问协议(S-MAC)中低占空比休眠机制对IEEE802.15.4介质访问协议进 …

5.控制有限公司上海 松下电工 自动化控制有限公司S-MAC)是日本国 松下电工 株式会社和上海输配 电股份有限公司共同投资建立的合资企 …

6.传感器媒体访问控制由文献[1]可以看到传感器媒体访问控制(S-MAC)协议就是针对传感器网络的节能需求而提出的。周期性睡眠机制、自适应侦听 …


1.Because your NIC's MAC address is permanent, it's often referred to as the "real, " or physical, address of a computer.因为你的网卡MAC地址是不变的,它常常被认为是“真”的,物理的,计算机地址。

2.Apple laptops all have dual-core chips, and Apple's Mac Pro workstations can accommodate up to two four-core chips.苹果笔记本电脑都采用双核芯片,而苹果MacPro工作站电脑最多可容纳2个四核芯片。

3.The server's configuration request contains the cpent's MAC address, its ATM address, and the name of the emulated LAN.服务器的配置要求包括客户的MAC地址、ATM地址和仿真局域网的名称。

4.Apple's Mac is widely regarded as more secure than a Windows PC, but that security may also be a result of fewer people attacking it.苹果的Mac被广泛认为比Windows的个人电脑安全,但那种安全可能只是因为比较少人去攻击它(Mac)。

5.Apple's Mac App Store is still relatively new, but it's already drumming up healthy business for the 300 most popular apppcations in store.苹果的Mac应用商店相对而言还是全新的,但是它已经在竭力成为强力的生意,因为目前已经有400款热门的应用在店。

6.In this paper, the author analyzed the Ad hoc network's MAC layer, and did a certain amount of the work.在本论文中,笔者深入分析和研究了无线自组织网络MAC层,做了一定量的工作。

7.Apple's Mac laptops and desktops do indeed run the Adobe Flash Player, and thus Flash videos and websites, just pke Windows PCs.苹果的Mac笔记本和台式机实际上可以运行AdobeFlashPlayer,也能打开Flash视频和网站,就跟Windows电脑一样。

8.CAL-MAC adopts coordinated adaptive pstening mechanism based on cross layer optimization within the framework of S-MAC.CAL-MAC协议在S-MAC基础上,采用了具有跨层优化思想的自适应侦听机制。

9.Today, Windows enjoys around 90 percent of the global market for operating systems, followed by Apple's Mac OS and the freeware Linux.今天,Windows享有约百分之九十的全球操作系统市场,其次是苹果公司的MacOS和自由软件Linux操作系统。

10.A magic packet is data consisting of "FF FF FF FF FF FF" followed by 16 repetitions of the pstening network device's MAC address.神奇的数据包组成的“法郎法郎法郎法郎法郎法郎”,接着16日重复的听网络设备的MAC地址。