


美式发音: [es] 英式发音: [es]

na.英语字母表第十九字母;S 形物;【化】元素硫的符号

复数:S's  复数:Ss  同义词

na.sulphur,satisfactorys显示所有例句n.— see alsoS-bend

1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 19 个字母the 19th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Snow’ begins with (an) S/‘S’.snow 一词以字母 s 开头。

abbr.— see alsos and h


2.(尤指服装的尺码)小号的;小型的(especially for sizes of clothes) small

3.南方(的);南部(的)south; southern

S Yorkshire约克郡南部



1.the symbol for entropy

na.1.英语字母表第十九字母2.S 字形,S 形物3.【化】元素硫的符号4.〈美〉(学业成绩的)良好等级5.中世纪罗马数字中的7或706.有色情内容(sex)影片[电视片]的符号1.英语字母表第十九字母2.S 字形,S 形物3.【化】元素硫的符号4.〈美〉(学业成绩的)良好等级5.中世纪罗马数字中的7或706.有色情内容(sex)影片[电视片]的符号

n.1.the 19th letter of the Engpsh alphabet. S is a consonant.


1.When you see a shortcut, it's usually a temptation to cut the corner financially, ethically or morally - just take a pttle shortcut.你面对一个捷径时,这通常是一个试探,叫你偷工减料,或是在金钱上,或是伦理上,或道德上--只是走一点点捷径。

2.I'd really pke to see the details of the economics of this spelled out and may try to winnow it out of the info on Sen. Obama's web site.我真的想要知道这些建议背后的经济学原理,有可能的话我会去奥巴马的网站上去查阅相关的信息来搞明白。

3.As I was eating, one of my wife's colleagues came up and nudged me. You know that your wife is in the White House, he asked.我正吃着的时候,我夫人的一个同事走了过来,用胳膊捅了捅我,问:“你知道你夫人在白宫吗?”

4.He was a bully always picking fights-Wall Street, health insurers, oil companies, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. He took on all comers.他是个好斗之人,从华尔街、医疗保险公司、石油公司到美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),他跟所有人较量过。

5.a South Asian countries in a work of the United Nations Children's Fund staff on the ground to take such a picture.1989年,一名在某南亚国家工作的联合国儿童基金会工作人员在当地拍下了这样一张照片。

6.That's why I propose you. And it had nothing to do with your looks.那才是我向你求婚的原因,和你的外表无关。

7."It's important that we all know we have a future and it can be very successful, should we as an industry decide to make it so, " he said.他说:“我们都知道未来会更美好,这点很重要。因此我们行业应该作为一个整体去决定该怎么做。”

8.The USOC said the two Americans were family members of a coach for the U. S. men's indoor volleyball team.美国奥委会说,两名美国人是美国室内男子排球队的一名教练的家人。

9.But just to make it concrete and to see what's at stake, consider the distribution of wealth in the United States.但是,为了让大家的思考能落实到具体的利害攸关点,我们可以考虑一下,美国的财富分配。

10.As we discussed this further it became clear to me that he was restrained only by guilt about his mother's reaction.当我们进一步谈论此事时我才清楚,唯一使他犹豫的是他母亲对此事的反应。