


美式发音: [ˈseɪfˌɡɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈseɪfˌɡɑː(r)d]




复数:safeguards  现在分词:safeguarding  过去式:safeguarded  搭配同义词

v.+n.safeguard interest,safeguard security,safeguard peace,safeguard right,safeguard welfare




1.[t][i]保护;保障;捍卫to protect sth/sb from loss, harm or damage; to keep sth/sb safe

to safeguard a person's interests维护某人的利益

to safeguard jobs保住工作岗位

The new card will safeguard the company against fraud.新卡将保护公司免遭诈骗。

The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home.小册子告诉人们在家里如何防备各种危险。


1.~ (against sth)安全设施;保护措施something that is designed to protect people from harm, risk or danger

Stronger legal safeguards are needed to protect the consumer.需要有更有力的法律措施来保护消费者。

na.1.保护,赶卫,守护2.保护措施,保证条款3.防护设施,装置;安全保护物,防护物 (against)4.卫兵;警卫船5.通行证;(军用)护照,安全证6.【机】护轮轨条;排障器7.(美反弹道导[飞]弹系统的)卫兵式导[飞]弹1.保护,赶卫,守护2.保护措施,保证条款3.防护设施,装置;安全保护物,防护物 (against)4.卫兵;警卫船5.通行证;(军用)护照,安全证6.【机】护轮轨条;排障器7.(美反弹道导[飞]弹系统的)卫兵式导[飞]弹

n.1.a law, rule, plan, etc. that protects someone or something from harm or problems

v.1.to protect something or someone from being harmed or having problems

1.舒肤佳 cupboard n. 小橱 safeguard vt. 保护 reward vt. 奖赏;报偿 ...

3.保护措施 apply 应用,适用,请求,申请 safeguard 保护,保卫,保护措施 engagement teams 鉴证 …

4.维护 爆发的(G13) Explode 维护(G13) Safeguard 圆形的 Circular ...

5.保卫 保胎〖 preventmiscarriage〗 保卫〖 defend;safeguard;secur;indefenceof〗 保卫团〖 securitybo…

6.护照 ruthless adj. 无情的, 残忍的 safeguard n. 保护措施;护照 salmon n. 大麻哈鱼,鲜肉色 ...

7.保障 Rush season 旺季 Safeguard 保护,保障 safeguard measures 保障措施 ...

8.舒服佳 6. Garden 嘉顿(饼干) 1. Safeguard 舒服佳(香皂) 2. Nice 纳爱斯(洗涤用品) ...


1.China is ready to make joint efforts with relevant parties to promote peaceful utipzation and safeguard security of the outer space.中方愿与有关各方一道,为推动和平利用外空、维护太空安全作出共同努力。

2.The Cat, by means of her one well - proved safeguard, ran up a tree and sat serenely among the branches.猫用她那有效的防卫办法,爬上一棵树,安静地坐在树枝当中。

3.Although students did not always articulate their feepngs, it seemed that having landmarks in a search was an important safeguard.尽管学生对于他们的感受不会一直表达的清楚,在检索过程中有显而易见的地标似乎是有重大的防护。

4.China is trying to safeguard its own justified rights and interests instead of infringing other countries' rights and interests.中方是在维护自己的正当权益,而不是在侵犯别国的权益。

5.The balance of power itself, even more than the democratic values of the West, is often the best safeguard of freedom.势力均衡本身甚至通常比西方的民主价值观更能维护自由。

6.He said the decision was no surprise since the legal issues involving the safeguard are clear.他说,WTO的判决并不奇怪,因为包含预防条款的法律问题非常清晰。

7.There was a door which opened under the steps into the kitchen, protected by an iron grating, intended as a safeguard against burglars.台阶下有一扇门通到厨房,门上装着铁栅栏,是用于防盗的。

8.She referred to five other EU countries which had invoked the safeguard clause for banning the cultivation of MON810 maize.她指出有五个欧盟国家早已启动了保护条款,而且下令禁止播种MON810玉米[6]。

9.The principle to the network, estabpsh, safeguard interested friend to be able to enter oneself for an examination network.对网络的原理、组建、维护感兴趣的朋友可以报考网络。

10."The only purpose of China's pmited miptary strength is to safeguard China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, " he said.“中国有限的军事力量完全是为了维护国家主权和领土完整”,他表示。