


美式发音: [ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əd'mɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:admissions  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.free admission,full admission

v.+n.refuse admission


n.admittance,entrance,right of entry,access,permission



1.[u][c](机构、组织等的)准许加入,加入权,进入权the act of accepting sb into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization

Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.大多数情况下,病人无须住院。

Hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled.哮喘发作入院人次已成倍增加。

the university admissions popcy/office大学招生政策╱招生办公室

They tried to get into the club but were refused admission.他们试图进入俱乐部,但遭到了拒绝。

She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.她未被自己选择的大学录取。

countries applying for admission to the European Union申请加入欧洲联盟的国家

Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.公园最晚的入园时间是下午 4 点。

2.[c](尤指对过错、罪行的)承认,招认,招供a statement in which sb admits that sth is true, especially sth wrong or bad that they have done

He is a thief by his own admission(= he has admitted it) .他自己供认是小偷。

an admission of guilt/failure/defeat承认有罪╱失败╱被击败

The minister's resignation was an admission that she had ped.这位部长辞职等于承认她自己撒过谎。

3.[u]入场费;门票费the amount of money that you pay to go into a building or to an event

admission charges/prices入场费

£5 admission入场费 5 英镑

What's the admission?门票多少钱?


n.1.permission to join a club or become a student at a college or university; permission to enter a place2.the process of accepting someone into a place, organization, or institution3.the amount of money you pay to enter a place or event4.a statement accepting that something is true, especially something that you have done that you are sorry about5.the number of people who enter a place, organization, or institution1.permission to join a club or become a student at a college or university; permission to enter a place2.the process of accepting someone into a place, organization, or institution3.the amount of money you pay to enter a place or event4.a statement accepting that something is true, especially something that you have done that you are sorry about5.the number of people who enter a place, organization, or institution

1.允许进入 admire v. 赞美,钦佩,羡慕 admission n. 允许进入,供认 admit v. 容许,承认 ...

2.承认 admire 敬服;□美 admission 承认;许可 admit 容许;招收 ...

3.入场费 总经理 GM,General Manager 入场费 admission 运费 freight ...

4.接纳 admire 钦佩,羡慕 ▲ admission 准入,接纳 ▲ adolescence 青春期 ...

5.准入 admire 钦佩,羡慕 ▲ admission 准入,接纳 ▲ adolescence 青春期 ...

6.录取 ad-pb ? adj. 即兴的 admission ? n. 许可入场,录取 admonish ? v. 告诫,责备 ...

7.许可 admire 敬服;□美 admission 承认;许可 admit 容许;招收 ...

8.入学许可 admit?to (让他走)承认;许入 admission 许入,入学许可 ... dict.wbw网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽- 基于3个网页 ...


1.at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity .此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。

2.He said he offered thousands of yuan to gain her admission, to no avail.他说他为了女儿的转学已经花了几千块钱,然而都无济于事。

3.BY HIS own admission, he never fired a single bullet or "stood for a second in a trench" in the great jihad against America.据其供述,其从未开过枪,也未在反美圣战的“战壕中都逗留过一秒钟”。

4.Most people already knew that Starr was out of control; they needed to hear my admission of wrongdoing and witness my remorse.大多数人早就看出来斯塔尔失控了;他们想听我承认错误,想亲眼看到我忏悔。

5.Peng tried to be a good Samaritan by accompanying her to the hospital, but his deed was viewed as an admission of guilt by a local court.Peng做了好人,陪着她上医院,但是他的行为被地方法院视为对其罪行的供认。

6.She did not have to pay for the admission.不,她进入不必付费。

7.The most able find it too easy to get A-grades at A-level, meaning that admission to sought-after university courses becomes a lottery.而能力最强的学生则认为在中学高级水平考试(A-level)中取得全A分数轻而易举,这意味着取得受欢迎的大学课程入学通知成了彩票中奖似的。

8.Therefore, even if sold in "easy admission" , will definitely not easy to carry the double burden of interest owing on the loan also.所以,就算买房人在“轻松入住”之后,也会绝对不轻松地背上双重还贷还息的包袱。

9.This seems to be an admission that America's emphasis on spreading democracy has not gone exactly as planned.他的讲话似乎在承认美国散布民主的着重努力没有完全达到预期计划。

10.With all of these miscues, the only recent admission by the NBA in a crucial game was in the Dallas-Denver series.在这么多错误中,唯一一个最近被NBA在关键比赛中加入的是在达拉斯和丹佛的系列赛中。