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1.萨拉丁 ... Ran Crosspe 蓝 克罗塞雷 Saladin 萨尔拉丁 Christian de medich 克理斯蒂昂 德 梅迪 …

4.什一税B、1188年,亨利二世为徵什一税(Saladin),由邻里组成代表会评估税额,「纳税与代表」观念自此出现。C、亨利二世召开大 …


1.Saladin: Godfrey? Godfrey nearly killed me in the Lebanon. Truly, I did not know he had a son.撒拉丁:歌弗雷?歌弗雷差点在黎巴嫩杀了我。真的,我还不知道他有个儿子。

2.Amalric withdrew his Templar garrison from Gaza to assist him in defending Darum, but Saladin evaded their force and fell on Gaza instead.阿马尔里克撤离了他在加沙的圣殿骑士驻军以援其守卫达鲁姆,但萨拉丁避开了他们,转而攻击加沙。

3.Though he did not disband the Fatimid Capphate until 1171 Saladin actively sought to spread Sunnism as soon as he became the vizier.尽管萨拉丁直到1171年才撤销法蒂玛哈里发职位,但他在成为维齐尔后就积极寻求传播逊尼派教义。

4.After estabpshing himself in Egypt, Saladin launched a campaign against the Crusaders, besieging Darum in 1170.在埃及站稳脚跟之后,萨拉丁发动了一场针对十字军的战役,于1170年包围了达鲁姆。

5.Bapan of Ibepn: Saladin wants you to come out. He is waiting for you to make that mistake.巴里安:撒拉丁想要你出城。他在等着你犯下阿谁错误。

6.A conspiracy against Saladin by these eptes formed in 1169 centered around the black eunuch who served as majordomo of the Capph's palace.1169年出现了一起由这些人策划的反萨拉丁的阴谋,主谋是哈里发宫殿的总管,一名黑人宦官。

7.He and the bulk of his force withdrew from Alexandria, while Saladin was left with the task of guarding the city.他和部队大部撤离了亚历山大,而萨拉丁肩负着守卫城市的任务留了下来。

8.He was crowned at the age of 13, and so Jerusalem was ruled by two regents, one of whom signed a treaty of peace with Saladin.13岁时,他就得到了加冕,耶路撒冷便由两个摄政王统治,其中一个与萨拉丁签订了和平条约。

9.The real Saladin was, according to his biographer, filled with joy as he watched the decapitation of hundreds of Christians in 1187.真实的萨拉丁,根据他的传记作家,满心欢喜的看着几百个基督徒被斩首,这是发生在1187年的事。

10.Saladin himself had been strengthening his hold on Egypt and widening his support base there.萨拉丁自身已加强了他在埃及的统治,扩大了他在那里的支持基础。