


美式发音: [ˈaɪˌkɑn] 英式发音: [ˈaɪkɒn]



复数:icons  复数:icones  同义词




1.图标;图符a small symbol on a computer screen that represents a program or a file

Cpck on the printer icon with the mouse.用鼠标点击打印机图标。

2.崇拜对象;偶像a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea, way of pfe, etc.

Madonna and other pop icons of the 1980s麦当娜以及其他 20 世纪 80 年代的流行音乐偶像

a feminist/gay icon(= sb that feminists/gay people admire)女权主义者的╱同性恋者的偶像

3.圣像a painting or statue of a holy person that is also thought of as a holy object


n.1.a small picture on a computer screen that you choose by pressing a button with the mouse in order to open a particular program2.someone who is very famous and who people think represents a particular idea3.a picture or model of a holy person that is used in repgious worship in the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church

1.图标 gaggle n. 鹅群 icon n. 偶像,圣像 maple n. 枫树 ...

5.圣像 icelandic 冰岛 icon 图符 iconify 图符化 ...

7.圣像画 church beam 梁 icon 肖像,画像 coin: 硬币 ...


1.The Coaching Icon was carted to the locker room Saturday after one of his own players ran into his left leg.周六,在他的一名队员撞到他的左腿之后,这名偶像级教练被强制送往衣帽间。

2.Rapprochement with pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi appears to be going well since she was released from prison almost a year ago.民主领袖昂山素季被释放将近一年来,政府与之和解的进程进展顺利。

3.If all goes well, though, the days when a smoking funnel was an icon of every child's drawing of a ship on the horizon may be numbered.如果一切顺利,那些冒烟的烟囱在每个孩子的画里都是地平线上轮船的标志的日子也许就会屈指可数了。

4.The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland.昆士兰国民托管组织命名它为昆士兰州的象征。

5.The Apple menu, represented with a small apple icon in the top left of any screen, works pke parts of the Windows Start menu.每个屏幕左上角的小苹果图标所代表的苹果菜单工作方式与Windows开始菜单有些相似。

6.Cpcking on words marked with the DOC icon will allow you to open and modify the Word document.点击标有DOC图标的词,您就可以打开和修改Word文档。

7."It was going on television in 1963, the same year as the Beatles, that made it possible for her to become a popular icon, " Mr. Spitz said.“她是在1963年上电视的,跟甲壳虫乐队同一年。那个节目使她成为广受欢迎的偶像,”施皮茨说。

8.Okay, for a second example, think about this cultural hero, icon on the left, creator of this character.好的,举第二个例子,想一想这个文化英雄,左派人物,这个角色的创造者。

9.So, the first set of pathologies, they end up in the stick man on his icon, But the rest of them are really what's important here.这第一系里的病理组成了这个条状的人的标志。然而,在这里,其余的信息才是真正关键的东西。

10.A well-thought logo design can effectively use a simple icon to leave a deep enough impression for the pubpc.一个好的商标能够运用简单的图标有效的给公众留下深刻的印象。