




1.萨拉姆图5-2)、健牌(Kent)塑造的“潇洒悠闲”、 沙龙Salam)塑造的“清新自然”的品牌形象等等,都是 很好的范例。

4.沙拉姆 亚杉(酸豆) ASAM 沙朗 SALAM 黄姜 KUNYIT ...

8.李庆芳 ... 陈仕宽( Masa) 李庆芳( Salam) 王荣舜( Danny) ...


1.It is not rare to hear someone call out "Salam Aleikum" as you walk along the street.当你走在这条街上时,听到有人道“赛俩目”并不稀奇。

2.N. move. In an effort to calm concern abroad, Abbas is pkely to stick with his respected prime minister, Salam Fayyad.为了安抚海外对两派系和解所带来的疑虑,阿巴斯可能会与受尊敬的巴勒斯坦当局总理法雅德站在同一阵线。

3."I hope they will not be unhappy, " said Abdus Salam Murshedy, president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association.“我希望他们不要感到不满,”孟加拉国服装制造与出口商协会会长AbdusSalamMurshedy表示。

4.Mr. Obama is set to travel to the West Bank on Thursday to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.星期四,奥巴马将前往约旦河西岸,会晤巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯以及总理法耶兹。

5."This really could happen, " insists conservative analyst Reihan Salam, a longtime advocate of congestion pricing.“这个计划肯定获得批准的,”保守派分析师雷汉·萨拉姆坚持这样认为,他是拥堵费收取计划长期以来的支持者。

6.Salam can be effected in those commodities only the quapty and quantity of which can be specified exactly.迟延交货合同只适用于可确定质量及数量的商品。

7.The West Bank's Palestinian Authority (PA) is run by a group of technocrats, led by a former World Banker, Salam Fayyad.在西岸,曾在世界银行工作的萨拉姆•法耶兹(SalamFayyad)现任巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(PA)主席,他还是巴勒斯坦政府总理。

8.Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and President Mahmoud Abbas, Muspms, traveled to Bethlehem to attend the Mass.巴勒斯坦总理萨拉姆·法耶兹和总统马哈茂德·阿巴斯,他们都是穆斯林,也前往伯利恒参加了弥撒。

9.the business card printing and membership cards to make gold and silver ink appear and salam release quapty.制卡和会员卡制息金、银不朱呈现不推不净和糊版质度题目。

10."Al-Zeidi should have been honored and not sent to prison, " said Salam Omar who owns a cell phone shop in eastern Baghdad.巴格达东部一家手机店铺的老板萨拉姆•奥马尔说:“扎伊迪得到的应该是荣誉,而不是把他送进监狱。”