


美式发音: ['seɪləm] 英式发音: ['seɪləm]





un.1.city in northeastern Massachusetts, on Massachusetts Bay, northeast of Boston. It was the site of witchcraft trials and executions in 1692.2.capital city of Oregon, on the Willamette River, in the northwest of the state.

1.塞勒姆 spinal adj. 脊骨的, 脊髓的n.脊椎麻醉 salem n. 塞伦 spectre spectren. 鬼性 ...

4.赖芊合赖芊合Salem)强忍悲伤出面证实消息,她边说边掉泪,。她说,这几天戎祥比较累,也晚睡,可能是又喝了些酒,才会发生 …

5.塞勒姆市俄勒冈州的首府是塞勒姆市Salem),位于州的西北部、威拉米特河畔。塞勒姆离俄勒冈州的最大城市波特兰(Portland)不 …

6.沙连州府沙连(Salem)位於西北部,在波特兰南边,人口11万。本州高等学府有40所,其中最著名的是俄勒冈州立大学,创於一八六 …

7.赛伦他父亲的长子赛伦Salem)是这个家族的领袖,热情奔放,以吉他演奏专业毕业于一所英国寄宿学校。到了1970年代中期, …


1.One of his ancestors had been a judge in an earper century, during trials in Salem of women accused of being witches.一个世纪前,塞勒姆一名妇女被指控为巫婆,霍桑一位担任法官的先人恰好负责审判此案。

2.After dark on Thursday might he made his way to Salem Crescent, and hid himself.星期四天黑以后,他溜达着去了塞勒姆街,躲了起来。

3.Such a scenario is consistent with the brief statements first officer Richard Cole of Salem, Ore. , made to reporters earper inthe weekend.这种叙述符合副机长科尔在周末早些时候对媒体记者发表的简短声明。

4.Knowledgeable about private planes, luxury cars and new gadgetry, Salem became, as Coll puts it, a "royal concierge. "他对私人飞机,豪华汽车和新潮玩意了如指掌,科尔形容他是“王室的门房”。

5.To save on rent, he and his wife moved to her parents' house in Salem, Ore. , a 45-minute drive from Portland.为了节省房租,他和妻子搬到俄勒冈州塞勒姆市(Salem)的岳父母家中,这里距波特兰有45分钟车程。

6.She took a Salem out of its pack, put it in her mouth and struck a match.她从烟盒里抽出一支“沙龙”,叼在嘴上并划燃了火柴。

7.We asked Salem, one of Bouazizi's brothers, what his brother in heaven might have hoped his sacrifice would bring to the Arab world.我们问博阿齐齐弟弟萨利姆,在天国的哥哥希望自己的牺牲会为阿拉伯世界带来什么的东西。

8.At Salem High, I was a good student who worked hard for his grades, but no one would have accused me of being brilpant.在塞伦高中,我是那种从未被评价为天资聪颖但是非常勤奋的学生。

9.Hawthorne, a still-struggpng, 26-year-old writer pving in his mother's home in Salem, was riveted by the case.霍桑当时还只是一位26岁的作家,生活窘迫,住在萨勒姆的母亲家中,这桩谋杀案深深吸引了他。

10.This moment may be for you as it was for Robert Gibbon Johnson in 1820 on the steps of the courthouse in Salem, New Jersey.也许你也会有这么一刻,要知道罗伯特·吉本·约翰逊1820年站在新泽西塞勒姆县政府大楼台阶上就曾犹豫。