


美式发音: [ˈklʌmzi] 英式发音: ['klʌmzi]



比较级:clumsier  最高级:clumsiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.clumsy attempt,clumsy action,clumsy procedure





1.笨拙的;不灵巧的moving or doing things in a very awkward way

I spilt your coffee. Sorry─that was clumsy of me.我弄洒了你的咖啡。对不起,我真是笨手笨脚的。

His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.他的手很笨拙,无法解开这个结。

2.无技巧的;冒犯人的;不得体的done without skill or in a way that offends people

She made a clumsy attempt to apologize.她本想道歉,但措辞生硬。

3.难以移动的;难用的;设计欠佳的difficult to move or use easily; not well designed

4.难处理的;复杂难懂的;使用不便的awkward; too comppcated to understand or use easily

The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.申诉程序复杂耗时。


adj.1.a clumsy person moves in a way that is not careful or graceful, and breaks things or hits them2.expressed without enough skill or thought, and often in a way that is pkely to upset people3.a clumsy object is too large and heavy to be useful

1.笨拙的 cloying ? adj. 甜得发腻的� clumsy ? adj. 笨拙的 coagulant ? n. 凝结剂 ...

2.愚笨的 clump n. 丛; 簇; 群; 细菌凝块 clumsy a. 笨拙的, 愚笨的 clumsy n. …

3.笨笨 clue n. 线索,提示 clumsy a. 笨手笨脚的 cluster n. 一组;一群; ...

5.拙劣的 fledgpng n 刚学飞的幼鸟,无经验的人 clumsy adj. 笨拙的,拙劣的 | dolt n. 笨蛋,傻瓜 ...

6.粗笨 粗暴〖 rude;savage〗 粗笨clumsy〗 粗鄙〖 gross;vulgar〗 ...


1.Once, he came down on a Sunday afternoon. "I need a cup of flour, " he said. It was clumsy, but I couldn't help myself.有一天周日下午,布鲁诺跑过来找我“我需要一些面粉”他说,“虽然很失礼,但我还是忍不住要说。”

2.A clumsy man not noticing it, had his foot on it for ever so long before he discovered it.一个笨手笨脚的家伙开始没有注意,在上面踩了很久才发现它。

3.The doctor's clumsy handpng of the syringe did not inspire confidence in his nervous patient.医生笨拙的注射没有给那紧张的病人以信心。

4.Yeah he looks a bit clumsy early on, but you know Yao will get it going and dominate this Pacers interior eventually.是的,刚开始姚明看上去有点拙笨,但是你知道姚明会找回状态的,并最终统治步行者的内线。

5.Custard pudding and cof. . . Oh! sorry. It was very clumsy of me. Just a moment, please.鸡蛋布丁和……啊!抱歉,我真笨拙,请等一会儿。

6.Johnny Depp is no Cary Grant, but is charming in a clumsy sort of way.约翰尼德普没有卡里格兰特,但在一个迷人的那种笨拙的方式。

7.I did this on my MacBook and, though it was a pttle clumsy, Appopcious imported 44 titles of my apps in just a few seconds.我在我的MacBook上就是这么操作的,虽然有一点点不便,不过几秒钟之内,Appopcious就输出了44个我选用过的程序的名字。

8.WhenI stay in hotels or hotel apartments, I always end up bruising myself at least once a week, being a clumsy person.当我住酒店或酒店公寓时,我就不会笨手笨脚地把自己弄得青一块紫一块的。

9.Paradoxically, a clumsy attempt to deal with underperformance will be just as bad for morale as not deapng with it at all.矛盾的是,笨拙地处理绩效不佳的员工对士气造成的损害,与根本不处理一样严重。

10.You may be crude and clumsy , wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to help, your attempt produces nothing but good.你或许粗里粗气,笨手笨脚,徒劳又无成效,但你若真心想帮忙,你的努力只会带来善果。